Program Navigating the World of Art Business už od tohto útorka

Podporné a poradenské centrum pre študentov VŠVU v Bratislave pozýva študentov a študentky VŠVU na program, ktorého obsah sa týka rôznych aspektov uplatnenia umelca, dizajnéra, úžitkového umelca v odbornej a komerčnej praxi. Sledujte svoje školské e-mailové adresy.


Program povedie paní Alica Mozolíková.

Tematicky sa program venuje kontextu, v ktorom prebieha tok umeleckých diel a peňazí medzi umelcami a zberateľmi alebo zberateľskými inštitúciami, ako sa v ňom konštituuje hodnota produkcie (alebo mená) konkrétneho tvorivého jednotlivca a pod.

Tieto informácie Vám môžu výrazne pomôcť orientovať sa v samostatnej praxi.

Program bude prebiehať v anglickom jazyku.



This programme introduces students to key themes, practices and issues within the art world. It aims to develop knowledge and understanding which will enable students to operate successfully within the art world. The teaching is focused on the theories and practices underlying the international art world.


The focus lies in the principal organisations that constitute the art world, including, museums, auction houses, commercial galleries and fairs. Into consideration are taken networks and relationships that facilitate operations of the art world. The programme introduces aspects of art business, including organisational and financial models as well as ethical issues which affect the functioning of the primary and secondary art markets; examples and case studies are used through. Notions of connoisseurship and authenticity are discussed in relation to the art market. Collecting and curatorial approaches and interpretation of art works constitute part of this teaching.


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