Nové knižné prírastky

Nové knihy v Akademickej knižnici VŠVU

Norwich, William; Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century; Londýn: Phaidon Press, London, New York, 2020
Norwich, William; Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century; Londýn: Phaidon Press, London, New York, 2020.
Stoeltie, Barbara; Stoeltie, René [et al.]; Living in Provence;  Kolín: Taschen GmbH, 2021
Stoeltie, Barbara; Stoeltie, René [et al.]; Living in Provence;  Kolín: Taschen GmbH, 2021.
Wheeler, Emily; Creative Living: London; Londýn: Thames and Hudson, 2013
Wheeler, Emily; Creative Living: London; Londýn: Thames and Hudson, 2013.

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