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Anderson, Christina;  Gum Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual, Highlighting Artists and Their Creative Practice; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017
Anderson, Christina;  Gum Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual, Highlighting Artists and Their Creative Practice; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017.
Anderson, Christina;  Salted Paper Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual Highlighting Contemporary Artists; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2018
Anderson, Christina;  Salted Paper Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual Highlighting Contemporary Artists; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2018.
Anchell, Steve;  The Darkroom Cookbook; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2016
Anchell, Steve;  The Darkroom Cookbook; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2016.
Bachtík, Jakub; Biegel, Richard; Macek, Petr; Barokní architektura v Čechách; Praha: Karolinum, 2015
Bachtík, Jakub; Biegel, Richard; Macek, Petr; Barokní architektura v Čechách; Praha: Karolinum, 2015.
(ed.) Boudalis, Georgios [et al.] Historical Book Binding Techniques in Conservation; Horn,Viedeň: Verlag Berger, 2016
(ed.) Boudalis, Georgios [et al.] Historical Book Binding Techniques in Conservation; Horn,Viedeň: Verlag Berger, 2016.
Hopkins, Owen; Jak číst architekturu: Obrazový lexikon; Praha: Grada Publishing, 2019
Hopkins, Owen; Jak číst architekturu: Obrazový lexikon; Praha: Grada Publishing, 2019.
King, Sandy; Nelson, Don; Lockhart, John; Carbon Transfer Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual, Featuring Contemporary Carbon Printers and Their Creative Practice; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2020
King, Sandy; Nelson, Don; Lockhart, John; Carbon Transfer Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual, Featuring Contemporary Carbon Printers and Their Creative Practice; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2020.
(ed.) Kite, Marion; Thomson, Roy; Conservation of Leather and related materials; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2011
(ed.) Kite, Marion; Thomson, Roy; Conservation of Leather and related materials; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2011.
Krause, Peter; Shull, Henry A.; The Complete Guide to Cibachrome Printing; New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1980
Krause, Peter; Shull, Henry A.; The Complete Guide to Cibachrome Printing; New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1980.
Marquardt, Chris; Andrae, Monika; The Film Photography Handbook: Rediscovering Photography in 35mm, Medium, and Large Format; San Rafael: Rocky Nook, 2019
Marquardt, Chris; Andrae, Monika; The Film Photography Handbook: Rediscovering Photography in 35mm, Medium, and Large Format; San Rafael: Rocky Nook, 2019.
Ross, Denise;  The Handmade Silver Gelatin Emulsion Print: Creating Your Own Liquid Emulsions for Black & White Paper; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2019
Ross, Denise;  The Handmade Silver Gelatin Emulsion Print: Creating Your Own Liquid Emulsions for Black & White Paper; Londýn, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2019.
Šefců, Ondřej; Architektura: Lexikon architektonických prvků a stavebního řemesla; Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013
Šefců, Ondřej; Architektura: Lexikon architektonických prvků a stavebního řemesla; Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013.