Actual internal regulations
Disciplinary Rules of AFAD (Slovak) PDF, 217 KB
Internal directive in the field of personal data protection PDF, 2.11 MB
Internal directive in the field of personal data protection - Camera information system PDF, 1.16 MB
Library rules AL AFAD PDF, 342 KB
Library rules AL AFAD – Supplement no. 1 PDF, 196 KB
Collective agreement for 03/14/2023 - 08/31/2024 with appendix no. 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. PDF, 782 KB
A higher-level collective agreement for employers who proceed in accordance with Act no. 553/2003 Coll. on the remuneration of certain employees in the performance of their duties in the public interest for the period of 01. 01. 2023 – 08. 31. 2024 PDF, 332 KB
Criteria for the habilitation procedure in the field of Design PDF, 179 KB
Criteria for the habilitation procedure in the field of Conservation and Restoration PDF, 193 KB
Criteria for the habilitation procedure in the field of Fine Arts PDF, 178 KB
Criteria for the inaugural procedure in the field of Design PDF, 191 KB
Criteria for the inaugural procedure in the field of Conservation and Restoration PDF, 203 KB
Criteria for the inaugural procedure in the field of Fine Arts PDF, 189 KB
Organizational and Rules of Procedure of the Departmental Committee of Doctoral Studies at the VŠVU PDF, 271 KB
Work order of AFAD effective from June 19, 2023 PDF, 493 KB
Work order of AFAD effective from June 19, 2023: Supplement no.1 PDF, 178 KB
Rules for approving supervisors in doctoral study programs at AFAD PDF, 209 KB
Rules for working from home (home office) - appendix of the Work order of AFAD effective from 19.6.2023 PDF, 205 KB
Registration rules and registration plan of AFAD PDF, 549 KB
Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Slovak) PDF, 181 KB
Directive no. 4/2024 regulating binding procedures for the procurement of low-value contracts and the application of Act 343/2015 Coll. PDF, 265 KB
Accounting and Tax Depreciation Directive PDF, 457 KB
Directive for the performance of financial control as amended by Supplement no. 1 PDF, 525 KB
Bylaw of MEDIUM gallery PDF, 224 KB
Statute of the Academic Board of AFAD in Bratislava PDF, 318 KB
Internal regulation on the Two-year supplementary study PDF, 269 KB
Internal regulation on free access to information - full text PDF, 805 KB
Internal regulation on determining the amount of the fee for supplementary study and external supplementary pedagogical study PDF, 271 KB
IR 1/2021 Statute of the Temporary Accreditation Board PDF, 196 KB
IR 1/2022 Internal regulation on tuition and fees 2022/2023 PDF, 342 KB
IR 1/2023 Internal regulation on tuition and fees 2023/2024 - in effect from 09/01/2023 PDF, 348 KB
IR 1/2024 Internal regulation on Doctoral studies PDF, 291 KB
IR 12/2021 Statute of the Accreditation Board of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava PDF, 694 KB
IR 12/2022 Statute of AFAD in Bratislava PDF, 660 KB
IR 13/2021 Statute of the Pedagogical Board of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava PDF, 590 KB
IR 14/2021 Statute of the Program Board of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava PDF, 575 KB
IR 15/2023 Internal regulation of the AFAD for the implementation of Supplementary Pedagogical Study PDF, 335 KB
IR 17/2023 Rector's Directive: Implementation of foreign mobility programs at AFAD PDF, 297 KB
IR 2/2017 Directive of the Rector of the AFAD in Bratislava, which determines the principles of awarding the honorary title of professor emeritus at the AFAD PDF, 206 KB
IR 3/2020 Rector's guideline for providing a generally accessible environment for students with special needs PDF, 632 KB
IR 3/2021 Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Council of Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava PDF, 241 KB
IR 4/2017 Organizational Regulations PDF, 393 KB
IR 4/2018 Principles of elections to the Academic Senate PDF, 287 KB
IR 4/2020 Directive on the recognition of higher education diplomas PDF, 914 KB
IR 4/2021 Rules of Procedure of the Temporary Accreditation Board PDF, 2.18 MB
IR 4/2022 Supplement no. 4 to the AFAD Scholarship Regulations PDF, 207 KB
IR 4/2023 General criteria for filling functional positions of professors and assistant professors at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava PDF, 145 KB
IR 5/2019 Code of ethics PDF, 261 KB
IR 5/2023 Specific conditions for filling functional positions of professors and assistant professors at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava PDF, 305 KB
IR 5/2024 Internal regulation on determining the amount of the fee to cover the costs associated with the habilitation and appointment procedure PDF, 240 KB
IR 6/2018 Library rules AL AFAD – Supplement no. 2 PDF, 210 KB
IR 6/2021 Scholarship regulations – as amended by Supplements 1., 2., 3. PDF, 499 KB
IR 6/2022 Principles of election of the rector PDF, 261 KB
IR 6/2023 Principles of tender at the University of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava PDF, 219 KB
IR 6/2024 Statute and Rules of Procedure of the AFAD Artistic Board PDF, 211 KB
IR 7/2019 Implementation of the Erasmus+ program PDF, 118 KB
IR 7/2023 Rules of Procedure of the AFAD Academic Senate PDF, 553 KB
IR 8/2022 Internal quality assurance system of higher education PDF, 499 KB
IR 9/2021 Internal regulation on the admission procedure at the AFAD PDF, 397 KB
IR 9/2022 Rector's Directive Implementation of the LVIV 150 program for academic year 2022/2023 PDF, 400 KB
IR 9/2023 Study Regulations of AFAD PDF, 455 KB
IR 10/2022 - Addition no. 2 to Internal regulation on tuition and fees 2022/2023 PDF, 256 KB
IR 3/2024 - Directive of the rector of VŠVU in Bratislava about tuition fees and fees associated with studies at AFAD for the academic year 2024/2025 PDF, 286 KB
Principles of the habilitation and inauguration procedure at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava PDF, 465 KB
Privacy Policy PDF, 483 KB