Visual Communication
The mission of the study is to provide students with complex education and prepare them for professional activities in all areas of visual communication design either in practice or in research.
Basic prerequisites for admission to study are a candidate’s talent and a way of thinking. Prerequisites for successful study is the development of talent, analytical and critical thinking and mastering communication visual and expression means (work with letters and with graphic characters, illustration, photography, graphic or other fine-art medium, work with multimedia, work in space, etc.). The emphasis is also placed on students’ craftsmanship and their ability to process this knowledge base in a technical and technological manner as well as to use it in the visual communication in an analogue and digital way.
The objective is to gain skills and abilities in implementing one’s own creative procedures aimed at a task achievement and a solution to specific, professional issues, i.e. synergy of logical, intuitive and creative thinking with practical procedures (including craftsmanship and utilization of methods, materials, means and tools) to acquire competences in other words a proven ability to use knowledge, skills and methodological procedures in working, research and study conditions in terms of professional responsibility and independence.
In the bachelor’s degree programs students follow the curriculum for the given academic year as follows: Preparatory Course of Graphic Design is taught in the first semester, Studio Identity in the second and fifth semester, Studio Typography in the third and sixth semester, Studio Space in the fourth and seventh semester. Bachelor’s thesis is carried out during the eight semester and presented in the studio of one’s own choice.
According to the curriculum master’s degree programs provide admitted students with a possibility to enrol in one of the studios or laboratories of the department in which they carry out their master’s thesis.
A graduate is a creative and morally strong personality, intellectually and professionally competent to work in the field of graphic design and visual communication, to cope with all tasks, projects and challenges which work in the commercial, research and educational environment brings along.
Department of Visual Communication
- Studio Space
- Studio Identity
- Studio Typo
- Studio Multimedia
- Preparatory Course Space
- Preparatory Identity
- Preparatory Course Typo
- Preparatory Course Multimedia
Division Chairperson
- prof. Stanislav Stankoci
- Assoc. Prof. Marcel Benčík, ArtD.
- Assoc. Prof. Juraj Blaško, ArtD.
- Assoc. Prof. Pavol Bálik
- Assoc. Prof. Ján Šicko, ArtD.
- Asst. Prof. Ľubica Segečová
- Asst. Prof. Ondrej Gavalda
- Asst. Prof. Peter Nosáľ
- Andrej Kolenčík
External employees:
Mgr. art. Martin Kahan
Doctoral students:
Mgr. art. Lucia Židek Gamanová
Mgr. art. Andrej Kolenčík
Mgr. art. Filip Paldia
Mgr. art. Ondrej Gavalda (external form)
Mgr. art. Peter Nosáľ (external form)
doc. Mgr. art. Sylvia Jokelová (external form)
Ing. Ján Charvát (external form)