Ethics Commission

The Ethics Commission of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava is an advisory body of the Rector and it was established in accordance with the Code of Ethics of AFAD in 2021. The Ethics Commission is in charge of reviewing and discussing submissions, made by staff members and students of the Academic community and AFAD staff members, related to the breach of the Code of Ethics of AFAD as well as generally accepted moral principles.

The Ethics Commission of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava is an advisory body of the Rector and it was established in accordance with the Code of Ethics of AFAD in 2021. The Ethics Commission is in charge of reviewing and discussing submissions, made by staff members and students of the Academic community and AFAD staff members, related to the breach of the Code of Ethics of AFAD as well as generally accepted moral principles.

How to make a submission

The submission can be sent in writing or electronically to a member or directly to the chairperson of the Ethics Commission, or to a representative of the Student part of the Academic community. The submission can be also delivered to the Rector, the Vice-rector at the discretion of a submitter. In case that the submitter wishes to make a submission anonymously, he/she can contact directly an independent student ombudsman or school psychologist. The submission should contain description of the alleged breach of the Code of Ethics stating particular directives of the Code, or generally accepted moral principles, which as the submitter states, were breached.The submitter should state his/her first name, surname, and address and sign the submission. The Ethics Commission deals with anonymous submissions (without the consultation with a school psychologist) only if the Rector has made a decision that the submissions are related to extremely serious unethical conduct at school.

The ethics review procedure and statement of the Ethics Commission

When the members of the Ethics commission revise the submission and learn about the content of the submission of the staff member, student, statutory staff member in question, they are obliged to maintain confidentiality about the identity of the submitter.
Members of the Commission oversee that the act of a submission itself does not become an incentive or reason, which would lead to such consequences that would do the submitter any kind of harm.

If a member of the Ethics Commission gets into a conflict of interests in relation to the nature of the submission or doubts arise regarding the impartiality of the person in charge in the matter under review, the member of the Commission is excluded from the review procedure. After reviewing the facts, the Ethics Council sends a written statement obligatorily to the submitter, people concerned, and the Rector no later than two months after making the submission. Statements may include recommendations for further steps to be taken by decision-making bodies followed by necessary legal implications. In the event of a breach of the Code of Ethics by a student, the Ethics Commission will refer a matter to the Disciplinary Commission for students of the academy.

In case of proving a breach of the Code of Ethics by a staff member, the Ethics Commission proposes the Rector send a written notice of the breach of the work discipline to the staff member. If there is suspicion of committing a criminal offence AFAD is obliged to file a criminal report.

Members of the Ethics Commission 2024 – 2026

  • doc. Mgr. art. Jana Hojstričová, ArtD.; chairperson
  • Mgr. Matej Novotný, PhD.,
  • Mgr. art. Tomáš Klepoch,
  • Martin Druska, member representing the Student body.


Members of the Ethics Commission:

doc. Mgr. art. Jana Hojstričová, ArtD., chairperson,
Mgr. Matej Novotný, PhD.,
Mgr. art. Tomáš Klepoch,
Martin Druska, member representing the Student body.

School psychologist and ombudsman:

Student part of the academic Senate:


Etická rada
(name of member)
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18
811 02 Bratislava