AFAD Solidarity Fund

We have set up the VŠVU Solidarity Fund at our school. It is a transparent account established in Slovenská sporiteľňa.

The AFAD Solidarity Fund should be filled with contributions from us - people who can afford to support others in their financial situation. They can do so once, but also periodically by setting regular payments, which may not be high, regular payments will help a lot.

Thank You    

Bohunka Koklesová, rector of AFAD

Account Number:

SK38 0900 0000 0051 7411 1336

Slovenská sporiteľňa, a. s. (SLSP)

Direct link to Account:

The account is transparent, you can verify your deposits on the SLSP website. The account is written to the physical person – the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts. It can be used by two people: Rector Koklesová and Vice-Rector Benčík. The supervisory body of the account, which also has access to internet banking, are colleagues from AS AFAD Juraj Blaško and Palo Macho and a student from AS AFAD Lukáš Mráz. Account statements will be printed and filed every month. Anyone from the academic community who expresses an interest in looking at the statements can do so at the Rector's Office of the AFAD.