Sculpture, Object, Installation
The Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation intends to connect the tradition with the current perspective of the fine arts.
Department offers study of classical techniques as well as the latest trends in three-dimensional fine arts, from classical object, installation or interactive scuplture to conjunction with new media, animation, video and videoinstallation.
The offer of specialized subjects varies from figure drawing and modeling to work with traditional sculptural materials, such as wood, stone, plastic, metal or bronze.
The Department doesn´t only offer basic opportunities of study, but also new subjects led by invited native and foreign lecturers, as well as various workshops and plein air sessions.
When searching one´s own opinion and style, it is crucial to confront own practices with the tendencies of contemporary art.
The Department is composed of two studios with two different focuses. The first is the studio of Professor M.F.A. P. Kovačovský, which is focused on sculpture in architecture or in public space with overlaps into other media. The second is the studio of Associate professor Štefana Papčo, whose work has a conceptualized and intermedial character, although its starting point is sculptural thinking in traditional and new materials.
Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation
Division Chairperson
- prof. Patrik Kovačovský
- Štefan Papčo, ArtD.
- Assoc. Prof. Rastislav Trizma
- Marián Grolmus, ArtD.
- Asst. Prof. Richard Keťko
Technical staff
External collaborators:
Mgr. art. Michal Horňák
Doctoral students:
Mgr. art. Martin Hrvol
Mgr. art. Juraj Rattaj
Mgr. art. Jaroslav Kyša