Manual for students
FAQ: how to solve...
If You find Yourself here, chances are You might be a student on Incoming Academic Mobility. If that is the case, please note that lot of administrative tasks work slightly differently for You and Youd need to ask the International Office (IO) for help and assistance.
If you are missing a topic here
- write to us at the email of the Support and Counseling Center at, or visit us.
FAQ - Content
- I cannot contact a teacher
- I need to get into the classroom, storage etc.
- I need X technology in Y Academy workshop
- I don't know what the dates and deadlines are
- I'm in my final year, I'm not sure what different deadlines and responsibilities apply to me
- I feel like I don't know what's going on at the Academy
- I don't know what the current opportunities are in the field of exhibitions, competitions, residencies
- I have an acute problem (personal, health) that prevents me from studying
- I have a long-term problem (personal, health) that prevents me from studying
- I feel a lingering psychological discomfort
- I feel like I am the victim of unfair treatment and I don't know who to talk to
- I don't know if I am identified with the study program in which I am studying / where I was accepted
- I would need more money for a project
- I don't know where to store my artworks
- I want to know more about how school finances are handled
- AIS:
FAQ: Questions and answers
I cannot contact a teacher
- You can find a list of all AFAD employees at (except external pedagogues - however, they are usually listed by name on the department's website)
- When you can't get in touch with a teacher in a standard way (email, MS Teams), or e.g. if a teacher is suddenly absent, it is a good idea to contact the secretary of the department. You can find her contact via your department's website. The secretary usually knows if, for example, the pedagogue is indisposed, and she also knows how to get in touch with them.
I need to get into the classroom, storage etc.
- The various premises have a responsible person in charge of that space who has access to the keys, and at the same time determines to whom the keys can be lent. Of course, not anyone can have access to the stored artworks, materials, tools and devices. The reception staff know who they can lend the keys to. So if you need to get somewhere that you don't normally have access to, you need to get in touch with the teacher or the person in charge of the room in qestion. If they evaluate your request as justified, they will communicate with you and the reception staff to lend you the keys, for how long, etc.
I need X technology in Y Academy workshop
- Workshops are usually a) run by Technical staff who fall under a specific department, or b) fall under economic administration (carpentry workshop, metal workshop, etc.). Management and operation in the workshops is part of the management and budgeting of the Academy. The teaching and operation of the relevant department are already systemically planned for the operation of the workshop, but for other requirements it is necessary to find some free date in this system. In addition, occupational health and safety (BOZP) rules also apply in the workshops. The responsible person is in charge of operating the machines and tools. In some specific situations some tools and machines may also be operated by students, if they have undergone BOZP training and instruction in the operation of the relevant equipment.
- If you need to use a workshop for your school work, in the usual case the teacher who leads your work (within the Studio or also professional subjects) should instruct you on who to contact and what to do administratively.
- If the need to use the workshop / technology does not arise directly from your work in the studio or in some subject, it is possible to ask under which department the given workshop falls. Since departments and study programs mostly cover in the bachelor's degree, at you can find study advisors for each study program: they know, or can find out, whether and under what conditions your interest would be feasible.
- Many times, if you want to gain experience and skill in the field of some technology outside of your standard study program, a good way is to enroll in a subject dedicated to it right in the relevant department where the workshop falls. It is oftentimes possible to register a subject from different study program as an "elective subject". This is possible after agreement with the teachers and based on a "request form". See more: I can't register subject X in AIS. This way, you too can be included in the system of operation of the relevant workshop, you will receive guidance and training, and you will get a few extra credits as well.
I don't know what the dates and deadlines are
- You need to look at the Academic Calendar on the AFAD website - in the upper part in "Current" is the month that is currently in progress. Since it is important to see the entire academic year, you need to scroll down to the other months that interest you.
- School-wide dates - if you have any questions, ask the study office.
- Department / studio dates - ask the assistants in your studio or the department study advisor
I'm in my final year, I'm not sure what different deadlines and responsibilities apply to me
- When you are in your final year, you are subject to various deadlines and obligations associated with the successful completion of your studies.
- The document „Interný list o ukončení (Bc/Mgr./ArtD.-PhD.) štúdia" ("Internal letter on completion of (Bc/Mgr./ArtD.-PhD.) studies"), which includes these, will be received by students by email. However, you can always find internal letters (or various accompanying documents) in AIS, in the section (Documents /Other electronic documents), or in the student view after opening the Messages application.

- If you do not find the answer in the Internal letter, ask the study office referent of your degree of study. If the question concerns the final thesis ask your thesis supervisors.
- At the time of registration of subjects in the last semester, which you plan to spend in the given degree of study at AFAD, it is very advisable to control your studies in AIS. As part of the control, you will find out whether you have planned enough credits and completed the mandatory subjects relevant to Your study programme - and thus whether it is possible for You to successfully finish your studies in that semester. If you are missing something, at the beginning of the last semester you can still add the missing subjects and credits to your schedule.
I feel like I don't know what's going on at the Academy
- Follow these sources:
- the main page of the Academy website – informs about current exhibitions and events connected with the Academy
- Academy Facebook and Academy Instagram – among other things, many announcements that are not important enough to appear on the web. In addition, here you will find notifications of some ongoing Academy dates or deadlines.
- Facebook group (public) „VŠVU Open Calls (Súťaže Rezidencie Stáže Letné školy..)“ - open calls, competitions, job offers appear here.
- Facebook group (private - you need to log in) „VŠVU TRASHURE“ - here students share information about accommodation, jobs, offer and demand for equipment, materials, help
- Many departments and studios have their own social networks and channels - ask teaching assistants / senior classmates what is worth following.
I don't know what the current opportunities are in the field of exhibitions, competitions, residencies
- For your specific study program:
- it is worth asking assistants in the studio, departmental study advisors and older classmates. There are competitions and open calls that are repeated regularly, which have proven over time to be worth signing up for.
- Generally:
- follow the Facebook group (public) „VŠVU Open Calls (Súťaže Rezidencie Stáže Letné školy..)“ - challenges, competitions, job offers appear here.
- subscribe to the Newsletter of the Support and Counseling Center - it is published approximately once every 3 weeks and actively collects interesting offers from many sources on the Internet. The newsletter will be sent to the e-mail box that you enter. You can also go through the previous issues which are published here in pdf. You will learn what appears regularly and when, and what other sources you can follow yourself with regard to your focus (Archinfo, SCD, Culturenet, Flashart, On the move, Tranzit and others).
- You can also ask at the Support and Counseling Center. We already have relatively comprehensive records that we can look into, find out various information and look with you in general at the strategy of how and when to apply for what. At the same time, we point out that we do not have as up-to-date an overview of all more than ten study programs of AFAD as their teachers.
- Go through the conditions that the school requires for internships and additional internships at home and abroad in Bedeker and on the website, so that you can prepare. All kinds of things are possible, but to be able to include them in your study plan, there are deadlines and conditions that need to be followed.
- The International Office is usually introduced as part of the Introduction to studies for the 1st year of bachelors programs, publishes offers and open calls on the website, and also organizes information sessions. Of course, you can also ask directly at the International Office.
I have an acute problem (personal, health) that prevents me from studying
- Actively communicate with teachers (regarding the situation and solutions) and with the study office (documentation of health status). Inform them that an unexpected situation has occurred.
- In the case of a serious health condition, it is sufficient to inform the study office, which informs the teachers.
- In the case of a situation/state where you feel the need for discretion, or you fear stigmatization, contact Martin Šarkan
- Before the beginning / at the beginning of the semester, it is the right time to discuss a individual study plan, or, for example, interruption of studies, or adjustments of your study regime that will help you manage the given situation. The study office will direct you.
- If it is a sudden and impactful situation of a financial nature, ask about one-time support, for example from the AFAD Solidarity Fund.
I have a long-term problem (personal, health) that prevents me from studying
For health situations of a more permanent nature
- It is worth considering inclusion in the database of "Students with specific needs" - this step creates a legal framework within which certain adjustments and concessions are ensured during studies, which aim to compensate for your specific difficulties and help you to successfully complete your studies.
- At the same time, it is ensured that, apart from the persons entrusted with the administration of the database, other people will not learn any detailed health information about you.
- To solve this agenda, contact Martin Šarkan, who will guide you through the entire process.
If it is a difficult situation in the financial field
- In certain - although rather narrowly specified - cases, you can apply for a social scholarship (here the situation of the whole family is evaluated). You can find more about the scholarships at
- You can discuss your situation at the Support and Counseling Center and plan a strategy together to deal with the given situation.
I feel a lingering psychological discomfort
- You book an appointment with the AFAD psychologist.
- Together you evaluate the situation and plan the next course of action.
- If you want to do something for yourself before the appointment / it is urgent, use the contacts in the Urgent Help section, where you will also find non-stop crisis lines.
I feel like I am the victim of unfair treatment and I don't know who to talk to
- Look in the Code of Ethics and study regulations.
- Contact the AFAD psychological counselor and the AFAD ombudsman.
- Or contact the Ethics Commission of AFAD.
- Or contact the Support and Counseling Center
I don't know if I am identified with the study program in which I am studying / where I was accepted
- See a career or departmental study advisor. (, resp. to be found in the description of study programmes at )
- It is not a tragedy, it is natural to go through doubts. The reason may also be that you have not yet found your niche in your specialization for various reasons - the study advisor of your study program would be able to advise you on development, self-examination and researching different positions of your specialization. They have been through it themselves and can give advice on what to try and how to clarify things.
- If you have doubts about the suitability of the study program you are in (there are quite a few who ended up in a different study program than the one they entered), there is an opportunity to discuss the matter with a career counselor and plan how to investigate and test the situation; what are your goals, motivations and ideas. There are many options (internal internships, additional studios, transfer, another study program in the master's degree, etc.) - we will try to identify the meaningful ones.
I would need more money for a project
- Applying for external financial assistance through grants, loans, etc. is a common part of artistic practice. As part of projects, economic demands for their successful completion usually arise.
- Applying for funds from external foundations and institutions is very often associated with a comprehensive and structured (incl. deadlines) administration, as well as with retrospective proof of adequate spending of entrusted funds, with the risk of forced return of funds if these parameters are not met.
- At the same time, it is necessary to know that public schools do not have the means for the overall financing of semester projects, that is the reality. A certain regular cost must be expected by students every semester to be going into the projects. In well-reasoned cases where the costs exceed the usual range, ways can be sought with the support of pedagogues.
- At the 3rd level of study (doctoral students) - the Internal grant system of AFAD - VGS, which is aimed at supporting the artistic, exhibition, research and educational activities of academic workers and doctoral students, also comes as an option. You can find more information and current open calls in the intranet.
Less demanding ways
- Adapt the choice of materials and technologies to financial possibilities.
- Find a partner in the external environment who can provide you with the material or technology necessary to realize your intention, e.g. in exchange for using your output for the company presentation. This strategy proves itself time and again with new technologies like 3D printing, but not only there. It can be done quite flexibly by mutual agreement.
- It is possible to receive a financial donation from an external environment through the PRO ART fund. Under certain conditions, this method is financially more advantageous for external entities. You will then receive support from PRO ART, but it is necessary to document that the money was used for the purpose for which the donation was sent.
- Within the school, it is also possible for the department to award a Scholarships from AFAD own Funds, or an Incentive Scholarship - they are tied to the end of the semester, to its result. Of course, the range of funds available for this purpose is limited, but it happens that the department "rewards" the best and financially demanding project in this way, and thus retroactively provides financial relief to its authors.
More challenging routes
- It is possible to apply for targeted support of your project through various grant schemes. The administration described above is usually associated with it. At the same time, it is necessary to think about the fact that most of these support schemes have a fixed schedule, within which it is possible to apply for support once or twice a year. It is therefore necessary to plan and apply for such support well in advance.
- The Tatrabanka Foundation has already supported many of our students. The deadline for applications is usually once a year, for example in 2023 it was 9/29.
- It is often useful to ask assistants or doctoral students in your department about their experience - it is quite possible that they have already submitted some grant applications and can guide you regarding the specifics for your art discipline.
- It is also possible to contact the Office of project activities of our academy. If your questions are perhaps very general, ask through the Support and Counseling Center and we will find out if it makes sense to solve it further and in more detail through the Office of project activities.
If you know that your production is steadily more financially demanding
- Students can apply for a loan from the Education Support Fund (Fond na podporu vzdelávania). This is a loan for all Slovak students, it is not tied to a project and offers relatively favorable conditions. You can borrow up to EUR 7,500 per year (in 2024), and repayment of the loan starts after the end of your studies. The interest rate is usually lower than for consumer loans and, above all, the guarantee is adapted to the student situation. Thanks to this, you can suddenly have a larger amount available for the project and then gradually "earn it back". It is based on the assumption that your earning potential increases with the progress of your studies, i.e. at the end of your studies, you will earn the same amount much easier than through various part-time jobs at the beginning of your studies, when you need the amount. The student loan tool can also be used to solve an already created and relatively acute situation.
- If you have identified in advance that your work will require financial "injections" during your studies, it is a good idea to plan a strategy. You can consult this at the Support and Counseling Center.
I don't know where to store my artworks
- A common problem, especially for those who create larger artworks. The operation of the Academy can cope more or less only with the artworks that are currently being worked on in the educational process, and perhaps with something a little beyond this scope. However, it can not contain accept works that were created some time ago, if they are not planned for future exhibitions and events. Usually, as a result is a situation arises when authors are kindly asked to remove the finished artworks and store them themselves.
- If a situation when we need storage space outside the school, we might think about who might have a suitable space available, and whether and how we could come to an agreement. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, it will be possible for some payment or barter (afterall, the fact we read this FAQ means a handy free-to-use attic, barn or other storage is not available to us). This forces us to consider our intentions with such an artwork. This may in fact paradoxically produce a good result - compared to carte blanche free storage situations which let finished projects be stored away and all but forgotten without anyone seeing them. Perhaps it is sometimes better to sell the work, and finance new creation with the profit (of course proper documentation for the portfolio should precede), or to arrange its placement somewhere where the public can see it, than to perpetually finance its storage.
- What are some possibilities can we encounter when looking for a affordable storage space?
- "Self storage" services. Yes, it's what you might know from reality shows like "Storage wars". These services are also available in Bratislava, the smallest premises can cost around EUR 50 per month (2024). Since this is an official service, if it rains or someone breaks in, it is also possible to appeal. It does not seem impossible to find a variant with slightly more stable climatic conditions. However, the size of the door will typically take into account the dimensions of ordinary furniture, but probably not always with larger objects. Short-term rental for one/two months is also possible and common.
- Garage. Usually around EUR 150 per month (2024), you can find under EUR 100 depending on condition, location, accessibility, etc. The advantage is that you can place relatively large objects there, too. Which you can unload straight from the car. The disadvantage, however, is that with the falling price comes a higher level of risk, more neglected garages on the outskirts, which will be cold or damp in the winter, and if someone breaks in there, it is your risk. Most owners will prefer renting for longer periods of time than self storage. Once they advertise it, they have an idea of what they want from it (usually not changes of tenants every two months).
- You could find someone who, for example, has a cellar that he does not use or uses only occasionally, and who would appreciate a small regular reimbursement. Here it is advisable to proactively ask among a circle of local acquaintances and friends. The owners may not have even considered such a thing yet, but they may evaluate it positively and you will probably have more flexibility.
I want to know more about how school finances are handled
- You can read the publicly available minutes from the Academic Senate sessions, where the budget is being discussed. You can find out a lot about what is being done at the Academy, which priorities are chosen, and so on.
- You can contact the student representatives in the Academic Senate. You can find the names of the senators and their contacts;
- Student senators are present at the meetings. The contact for the student section of AS AFAD is
- Sessions of the academic senate are public. As a spectator, you can also participate in them!
You can find the AIS operating instructions in pdf - in AIS. Where? After logging in to AIS, in the student view in the New messages section, click on "Open messenger application." (In the classic AIS view in the "New messages" section). You are looking for a document called "Dokumenty - návod AIS (heslo, zápis predmetov, ...)".

I don't know how to register subjects in AIS
- You can use the video tutorial (in English):
- Or You can refer to AIS operating instructions in pdf, to be found within AIS.
I cannot register subject X in AIS
- During the period designated for course enrollment, AIS will allow you to enroll yourself in the courses recommended for your study program and year. And for which You have met potential prerequisites (prerequisites for enrolling in the subject - for example, that you have completed the in terms of content and skills immediately preceding subject).
- If AIS itself does not allow you to register the subject, one of the above conditions is not met.
- In the case of prerequisites, it is necessary to contact the officer of your degree of study in the study office. Especially if you transferred to AFAD from a different university, non-systemic situations occur in the number of credits and prerequisites. The study office can help you.
- If it is a subject that is not normally offered for your study program, it is sometimes possible for it to be enrolled for you on the basis of an request form signed by teacher and delivered to the study department. In AIS, in the student view in the "New messages" section, it is necessary to find and print the "Dokumenty-žiadosť" document. With this document, meet with the teacher* of the subject you are interested in, who will evaluate, based on capacity, expected skills, etc., whether it is possible for you to attend this subject. If so, they will approve your application, which you will deliver to the study department and you will have the subject entered in your registration form as "elective".
I don't know how to find my schedule in AIS
- You can use the video tutorial (in English):
I don't know how to find the schedule of a subject, teacher, or classroom in AIS
- You can use the video tutorial (in English):
I dont know how to make a control of my studies in AIS (credits, compulsory subjects, etc.)
- You can find instructions for control of Your studies in AIS in pdf - also in AIS. Where? After logging in to AIS, in the "New messages" section, find a document called „Návod – kontrola štúdia“.
- Option „Komplexná kontrola štúdia" opens a window, where a red exclamation mark appears if something requires special attention. After clicking on the item with the exclamation mark, you can view more detailed information.

- You can see the total number of credits in "získané kredity" section. At the very bottom right in the "Total" line you see two numbers separated by a slash. Further to the left is the number of enrolled credits and further to the right is the number of credits You have already obtained. When you look here in your last semester of study, after you have already registered your subjects, then:
- The value of the enrolled credits (more to the left) must be equal to or higher than the minimum number of credits required to complete the given degree of study. If you have less credits there, it needs to be addressed.
- The value of already earned credits (more on the right) is all the credits you have earned during your studies. All credits obtained so far should be there, except for the very last semester. If this does not fit, you can check in the "Subjects" ("Predmety") tab whether all teachers have given you grades for the subjects you have successfully completed.

- If you switch to the "Subjects" ("Predmety") tab, you can see all the subjects you enrolled in during your studies, whether you passed them, received a grade and what grade was.
- In the "Subjects" ("Predmety") tab, you can also count whether you have enough "Compulsory optional" (B) subjects.
- In the "check of completion of compulsory subjects of the study part" ("kontrola absolvovania povinných predmetov študijnej časti"), you can see if you are missing a compulsory subject, and whether it is because you did not enroll in it (and therefore it is necessary to enroll in it), or whether you already enrolled in it during your studies, but AIS sees it as not completed - which can be a) because the teacher has not given you a grade yet; or b) you did not manage to complete the compulsory subject successfully (Fx grade), and therefore it is necessary to enroll in it again.