Rejection of the military attack on Ukraine

VSVU strongly objecifies against the military exploition of the Russian federation against Ukraine and expresses solidarity towards the ukraine nation.

VSVU strongly objecifies against the military exploition of the Russian federation against Ukraine and expresses solidarity towards the ukraine nation. We ask those that are authorised, to actively seek solution for the military conflict occuring in Ukraine. It is our opinion, that the economic sanctions towards the Russian Federation will not be enough and it is necessary to actively take the responsibility for establishing peace in Europe.

The pro-west thinking that the pressure on the russian economy will be enough is misunderstood by the russian politicians, who are capable of going to the very bottom of their nation´s strength to get what they want. And all just to demonstrate their teritorial, political and ideological expantion and assaultiveness. The history of the countries neighbouring Russia are a good example of this. Whether we speak about the 30years of Stalin teror towards Ukraine, where millions were killed, or the 50s years, when the system of soviet teror rulled in all of the east block, incduding the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the army of the Warsaw pact in 1968. And today we witness active cooperation of slovak oposition, attorney general, and others in Slovakia towards the pro-kremel politic. It is important to endlesly keep reminding and to remember all of the above.

War sharpens our senses. It cripples almost everything we do. All that stays in our lives is what count to us most, what is most important for us. Many of our personal problems and conflicts suddenly seem trivial and unimportant to us. Many of us have tears in our eyes even if we don´t cry.

At this very moment, what is most important for the pedagogus, employees and students of our university, are our Ukraine students, current just as much as our graduates. We are with them with our heart, our mind, but also with precise action steps, that should lead to their economic and social stability here, in Slovakia. The most important thing is they continue their studies.

The occupatin of Ukraine by the russian military is not an unchangable situation. It is a temporary state that will come to an end and Ukraine will once again be born to a peaceful Europe.

Fond of solidarity AFAD

Account number:
IBAN SK38 0900 0000 0051 7411 1336

Fond of solidarity VŠVU, that was established because of the pandemics will from now on be focused on helping our ukraine students. It will be filled up by other resources at disposition. We are following the legislation that should in the next couple of days ammend the status of an ukraine refugee and we  are communicating with the foreign police. We will be actively dealing with the situation of our graduate students, we will be seeking solutions so they could stay in Slovakia during the invasion of their home country. This is extremely important.

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