Our doctoral student and graduate in the finals of the Oskár Čepan Award

We are very happy that Kvet Nguyen, our doctoral student from the department of photography and new media, and Paula Malinowska, a graduate of intermedia, were placed in the final four of this year's edition of the Oskar Čepan Award. Congratulations!

The names of the artists

whom the international expert jury selected for the Oskar Čepan Award 2024 project:

  • Kvet Nguyen

  • Svetlana Fialova

  • Tomáš Moravanský

  • Paula Malinowska


Statement of the international jury:

This year saw a record number of applicants and the jury meeting was intense yet effective. Through careful analysis of the applicants' profiles and portfolios, we reached an agreement to highlight four artists whose voices seemed very strong both in terms of concept and visuality. We kept in mind medium diversity and emphasized artists who applied more than once. From our perspective, the work of the selected quartet responds to the challenges that art and artists have to face in dealing with the complexities of the contemporary world. We have decided to nominate artistic practices that open up new ways to think about identity and otherness (Kvet Nguyen), challenge the borders of the medium (Světlana Fialová), acknowledge the diversity and humor that art can offer (Tomáš Moravanský), and engage in a dialogue with nature in relation to emergent technologies (Paula Malinowska).

- Amira Gad, Erin Li, Piotr Sikora, Lilia Kudelia


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