Open Doors Day 2022 will be live!

Open Doors Day 2022 at the AFAD in Bratislava


Are you thinking about studying fine arts, design, architecture or restoration? Would you like to learn more about admission process, as well as about the functioning of and studying at an art academy?

We invite you to the OPEN DOORS DAY of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, which will take place on Thursday, October 27, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Come and see a school day live, talk to our students or consult your portfolio with teachers.


As part of ODD, we have prepared guided tours for you with stops and presentations in every studio or department:

Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18

10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – painting, architecture, academic library, Medium Gallery

Drotárska cesta 44

10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – design, glass, ceramics, jewellery, restoration, intermedia, sculpture, textile creation, printmaking, visual communication, photography, digital arts, drawing

Mapka budovy na Drotárskej

Map of the building on Drotárska


In addition to guided tours, you can see and experience following activities as part of ODD 2022:

The complete ODD program will be published on this website soon..


We would like to inform those interested in studying at our academy that applications can be submitted from October 1 to November 30, 2022! More information about applications and admission process can be found here

f you are interested in individual consultations with the teaching staff of a specific department, you can find all the necessary information on our website here.



Our doors will open for you in three buildings, where all departments and studios will be presented. You can learn more about them in these videos or on this page.

You can find us at the following addresses:


You can find more information on our website.


ODD is being held this year without anti-pandemic measures. However, we would like to ask you to be considerate and considerate of others and not to attend the ODD in case of symptoms of illness.


ODD  is a public event. By participating, you agree to photography, filming and recording. Photos and videos will be publicly published on VŠVU communication channels.In case of any questions, contact us at .


Special program prepared by individual programs, departments and other components of AFAD:



9.00 - 17.00

  • room no. 280
  • Presentations of semester works, games with environmental content, student works with commentary.

9.00 - 17.00

  • Consultations of portfolios.


  • room no. 186
  • Novotný, Husárová - short presentation on why to study digital art nowadays.


  • room no. 186
  • Novotný, Husárová - discussion on the topic: Does AI mean the end of art?






During the whole day:

  • Presentation and projection of student works in each studio.
  • Consultations with pedagogues of the department.
  • Providing information about the study at the AFAD.





Rooms no. 323, 325, 339, 340, 341

During the whole day:

  • Previous works, books and current semester projects presented in the studios.
  • Consultation of portfolios for applicants with teachers and doctoral students.

10:00 – 13:00

  • Mini-workshop "Develop a photo with a mobile phone" with Ema Lančaričová - During the workshop, we will show the basics of enlarging photos in the darkroom. We will work in an unconventional way and use photos from your smartphones instead of film negatives.





Homework consultations for those interested in studying.




INTERMEDIA - specialisation Intermedia

During the whole day:

Studio of Spatial Communications

  • room no. 277
  • Interactive sound installation
  • Exhibition of student works from the studio
  • Portfolio consultations with studio pedagogues

room no. 278

  • Presentation from the life of the studio

Studio of Intermedia

  • room no. 271
  • Portfolio consultations with the studio pedagogues
  • Presentation from the life of the studio
  • Exhibition of student works
  • Baking pancakes
  • Informal interviews with students

Studio vvv

  • room no. 175
  • Presentation from the life of the studio

LAB - teaching room for professional courses

  • room no. 270
  • Presentation of students' video art
  • Presentation of subjects of the Department of Intermedia




INTERMEDIA - specialisation Sculpture

Rooms no. 187, 188, 364

  • presentation of student works
  • presentation of studio workshops
  • homework consultations
  • display of sculpture workshops





Drotárska cesta 44

  • 13:00 - 18:00 - room no. 345 (large drawing room), 16:00 - 20:00 - room no. 258
    • Ongoing drawing lessons in the presence of undressed models, entry without agreement with pedagogues is not suitable. If interested, the models will be given a short break, the workspace can be seen.
  • Providing information and consultations to those interested in studying at the AFAD.

Koceľova 23

  • 13:00 - 18:00 - drawing room
  • Drawing lessons





Hviezdoslavovo námestie and Koceľova

  • Portfolio consultations with teachers of the department throughout the day.





Studio Textile creation in space

  • Exhibition of student works.
  • Guided tour with a demonstration of the latest technologies such as jacquard digital weaving and the creation of carpets





Practical examples of work in each studio:

Studio of Ceramics

  • Presentation of work in the studio as well as in the ceramic workshops on the ground floor.


Studio of Glass

  • Presentation of work in the studio as well as in the glass workshops on the ground floor.
  • A mobile glass furnace behind the building on Drotárska cesta (closed courtyard of Sculpture at ground floor) - demonstration of work with glass.
  • a demonstration of shaping glass tubes with a burner at room no. 103



  • Presentation of work in the studio, examples of soldering and working with fire.





  • Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18
  • Opening hours: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Exhibition Not only (but also) glass

  • Mobile glass furnace and presentation of work with glass in the yard at Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18: Will be moved here from Drotarska for Friday October 28, 2022
  • The ambition of the exhibition project is to present the most important art projects of the Studio of Glass at the AFAD since 2010 and map the development of the studio in the field of fine arts. The latest works of current students of the studio accompany the exhibition.

