AFAD Glass Studio - presentation at Czech Design Week 2024
Cover Photo: Anna Pleslová - @annapleslovaphotography
Czech Design Week
Výstavní síň Mánes, Masarykovo nábř. 250/1, 110 00 Nové Město, Praha, Česko
5. - 8. September 2024
The presentation of the AFAD Glass Studio at CDW 2024 in the Mánes gallery will present the most current student projects created during the last academic year 2023-2024, it will present a wide range of authorial approaches and creative strategies in several glass technologies as well as overlaps with other materials and media:
- prototypes of Christmas decorations created by students in cooperation with the Moravian company IRISA
- authors: Jakub Sojka, Natalie Lehnertová
- a collection of glass containers with an experimental approach to decoration
- author: Zuzana Kováčiková
- containers/objects that cross the imaginary boundary between a utility object and an art object
- part of the Bachelor's collections of students Pavla Pšenicová and Zuzana Gállyová
- a conceptual object in which the author connects glass with other materials
- part of Martin Jurík's bachelor thesis
- a kinetic glass object in which the author connects traditional technological procedures with the search for current artistic expression
- author: Jakub Sojka
- A pair of metallurgically decorated monumental vases
- author: Anna Zbořilová
- a minimalist object created in the "lamp glass" technique
Exhibiting authors:
- Jakub Sojka, Anna Zbořilová, Natalie Lehnertová, Zuzana Kováčiková, Martin Jurík, Pavla Pšenicová, Zuzana Gállyová, Pavlína Šváchová, Patrik Illo
Pedagogue/work selection
- Patrik Illo
Curatorial text
- PhDr. Petr Nový, Ph.D., Hlavný kurátor Múzea skla a bižutérie v Jablonci nad Nisou, Česká republika
Graphic design:
- Peter Nosáľ
The exhibition received the FESTIVAL SPECIAL RECOGNITION award
"Zvláštne uznanie festivalu opäť zamieri na Slovensko, a to konkrétne do ateliéru SKLO na bratislavskej Vysokej škole výtvarných umení za skupinovú inštaláciu študentských prác Fresh Slovak Glass, ktorá v Mánese predstavila mladú krv slovenského sklárskeho designu."
Supported by public funds through Slovak arts council

Curatorial text:
A selection of theses for one academic year. Too little or too much? That depends on the students and the pedagogical leadership. The Bratislava glass studio is traditionally wide-ranging from original conceptual work to commercial design, programmatically experimenting with technologies, materials, their combinations and interactions. He actively looks for ways to give a creative idea an ideal physical form, provokes and encourages thinking. The result is always variety and very often pleasant surprises. This time, for the first time ever, students created author's prototypes of glass Christmas ornaments. They obtained the necessary technological and production background in the Vsetin company Irisa. Of course, there are also containers and objects among the works on display, including Pavlína Šváchová's minimalistic composition made of lamp glass, innovatively artfully abstracting the artisan essence of Železnobrod glass figurines. Therefore, the presentation of FRESH SLOVAK GLASS presents not only student work created within the studio, but also its concept, vision and ambitions: It is not enough to know why, it is also necessary to know how.
PhDr. Petr Nový, Ph.D.
Museum of glass and jewelry in Jablonec nad Nisou