Buffet x AFAD Re:Created
We cordially invite you to the event, where the public will be presented with clothes and a site-specific installation, which are the result of a joint upcycling project of the Buffet brand and the students of the Studio of Fashion Design 343 and the Studio of Fiber Art.
- Buffet store, Laurinská 19, Bratislava
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2023
- time: 3 p. m. press; 6 - 8 p. m. public
About the project:
Fabric waste and deadstock management is one of the key features defining our brand identity.
Even though our work is founded in the concept of materials discarded by luxury fashion houses as surplus, we ourselves end up with more fabric or product than we need and thus cannot call our business zero-waste.
Driven by a sense of responsibility towards our current and future surroundings, we wish to hold ourselves accountable for the waste we generate, by following the principles of circular economy with the well-being of our whole society in mind.
We already upcycle products or leftover material from our past collections into the new ones. As such, a collaboration with the an up -and-coming generation of design students seemed like a natural evolution of our strategy on how to deal with deadstock.
Our design team are exclusively graduates from AFAD in Bratislava, which is why joining forces with AFADs own the studio of fashion design 343 and studio of fabric art feels natural and honest.
n the "Buffet x VSVU Upcycling" project, we collaborate with students of both studios. We provide the material in form of overstock or damaged garments from our older collections, or leftover fabric, while their task is to find new and creative ways on how to approach upcycling with all its implicit rules and limitations.
By creating a space favoring experiments, our products gain a new lease on life via metamorphosis orchestrated by AFADs young talent, showcasing their abilities to wider audience. We believe the fun and pleasure an experimenting designer can feel during the process of creation is projected into the qualities of the product.
Fruits of this collaboration include new, marketable garments and site-specific installations for our retail space. Deconstruction, de novo designs from leftover textile, or customisation of existing products such as embroidery, lasering, coloring and printing represent some of the techniques applied in this joint venture.
Our support spans beyond a simple semestral assignment. Our student collaborators get to keep the premium fabric we provided and the profit from any resale goes directly back to the participating studios and authors.
Meet the creators involved
For Studio of Fashion Design 343
- prof. Júlia Sabová, akad.mal. - head of Studio of Fashion Design 343
- students:
- Filip Fecko
- Viktória Košíková
- Jaroslava Poliaková
- Rudolf Šťastný
- Lenka Vallová
- Tina Zsapka
For Studio of Fiber Art
- doc. Blanka Cepková MA - head of Studio of Fiber Art
- Mgr. art. Beáta Gerbocová, ArtD - assistant professor of Studio of Fiber Art
- students:
- Viktória Bakušová
- Viktória Baroková
- Miriam Hartung (Erasmus student)
- Adam Kukuc
- Kristína Oškerová
- Tatiana Poliak
- Adriana Remiašová
- Patrícia Šťastná
- with help of doc. Dipl. Des. Zuzana Šebeková, ArtD - head of Preparatory Studio of Textile Design
For more info, see Facebook event