Yearbook 2019/20 DUNAJ

The 2019/20 DUNAJ yearbook is a comprehensive presentation of the department of Architecture and the events that took place there in the 2019/20 school year.


Editor: Ján Studený

Publisher: VŠVU

Year of publication: 2020

ISBN: 987-80-8189-048-2


2019/20 DUNAJ is the yearbook of the Department of Architectural Design for the past school year. It contains student works, together with the presentation of assignments in four studios, which ask questions about the meaning of the river, its use possibilities and the spatial connections associated with the city or the landscape along its course in our territory. It is presented in connection with current topics (Floating Hospital), as well as a special focus of creation, with which individual studios profile themselves for a long time. They understand the Danube as a place of architectural inspiration (Models), evaluate its unprecedented contribution to the city (Nové Lido) and the countryside (Jahodná) and also understand it as a space for establishing activities associated with it (SOSA, Informal mo(nu)ments).

The 2019/20 DUNAJ yearbook is a priority project of KAT's efforts after the comprehensive presentation of annual works and follows on from the anthologies in which it introduced its previous thematic focus (Transformations (Iconic Ruins), Strategies (Iconic Ruins) and Remaining Spaces). It was created thanks to the support of Tatrabanka and the grant program of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic – KEGA, project no. 08VŠVU-4/2020.


Yearbook 2019/20 DUNAJ