The use of computer tomography in the field of research of works of art during restoration
Editors: Dušana Ondreková, Jana Dušková
Publisher: VŠVU/Katedra reštaurovania
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 978-80-8189-034-5
In the years 2016 – 2018, doctoral research on the use of computer tomography in restoration research was carried out at the Department of Restoration of the AFAD in Bratislava. The entire research, including the dissertation and this publication, was supported by the Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic within the framework of the KEGA project no. 001VŠVU-4/2017 entitled Improving the quality of non-destructive research and its application in restoration practice for students of the DoR of the AFAD. The chosen topic of the project responds to the current development of imaging methods. Project managers: Jana Karpjaková Balážiková, Jana Dušková, Dušana Ondreková. The publication is intended for study purposes, not for commercial use.