Seriality and repetition as creative principles of an integrated work of art
Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Symposium, which was held on May 18-19, 2017 at the VŠVU in Bratislava as a partial output of project no. 006VŠVU-4/2016 KEGA grant – Seriality and repetition in the context of creative methods of modern and contemporary visual art in Slovakia
Editors and editors of the collection: Zora Rusinová, Ján Kralovič
Publisher: VŠVU
Year of publication: 2017
ISBN: 978-80-8189-015-4
Seriality and repetition as artistic approaches and constitutive principles of the integrity of a work of art belong to the most widespread forms of narration and structuring of a work of art. Both creative processes involve the aspect of temporality, duration, intervals and transitions. They are always conditioned not only by the internal transformations of the history of art and the given stage of development of technologies, but also refer to social, ideological and societal contexts. The aim of the symposium is to trace the various forms of work with series and rehearsal in the context of the developmental tendencies of art and media analysis (forms of seriality, the difference between modern and postmodern, the influence of electronic technologies, etc.). The symposium is designed interdisciplinary in an effort to provide space for scientific contributions analyzing the topic from different methodological standpoints. Our effort is to theoretically evaluate the forms and role of seriality and rehearsal in the context of a wide range of artistic and social science fields (visual arts, architecture, literature, music, philosophy, aesthetics). The aim of the symposium is to enrich the previous reading, interpretation and meaningful connotations of the very concepts of repetition and seriality in artistic creation, as well as to contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the relationship between art, art science and humanities disciplines.