Kinetic architecture and mechanical engineering
Júlia Kolláthová, Ľudovít Kolláth, Viliam Čačko, Andrej Červeňan, Zoltán Holocsy
Publisher: VŠVU/STU
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN 978-80-8189-059-8
This publication is intended primarily for architecture students interested in kinetic architecture. The publication was created on the basis of the collaboration of the authors, who are from the Department of Architectural Design of VŠVU in Bratislava and from the Faculty of Engineering of STU in Bratislava. The cooperation was established on the basis of consultations of architecture students at the STU Faculty of Engineering, and continued with the provision of excursions in engineering companies and laboratories of the STU Faculty of Engineering. Finally, it resulted in the submission and solution of KEGA joint projects. The publication includes a short selection of projects by former architecture students of the VŠVU in Bratislava, as well as projects implemented around the world. The theory of mechanical movement is shortened to a minimum, because the authors did not aim to prepare a scientific publication. This intention of theirs also applies to all other chapters. Kinetic architecture is a multidisciplinary field. In the process of designing and implementing successful works of kinetic and responsive architecture, the close cooperation of architects, engineers, experts in the field of electrical engineering and information technology is necessary.
The publication was developed with the financial support of the KEGA 003VŠVU-4/2020 project
Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.