Introducing the Facsimile of the Nitra Gospel-book into Liturgical Ceremonies

We invite you to a solemn Holy Mass on the occasion of introducing the Facsimile of the Nitra Gospel-book into liturgical ceremonies and a short stop in the form of an overview of the restoration research of this gem. Accompanied by the Stalegria choir.

  • National cultural monument with identification number 1 in Slovakia
  • Codex Nitriensis
  • Around 1083


  • Author of the event: Mgr. art. et Bc. Barbora Peterková
  • Author of the project: prof. Boris Kvasnica, akad. mal.
  • Studio of Artwork on Paper and Other Media


  • Church of St. Stephen of Hungary
  • Nám. Sv. Trojice, Stupava
  • 16. 2. 2025 at 10:30 a.m.


Introductory word:

Spiritual and cultural heritage is inseparable for all nations of the world and every opportunity to preserve, pass on and spread it becomes a need and a desire. For the same reason, the concept of this solemn mass was created, which gives the opportunity to incorporate and make available to the public an otherwise hidden gem of national importance, namely the oldest handwritten monument in Slovakia - the Nitra Gospel-book as a facsimile of the original. All this was the result of the efforts and cooperation of experts, the Perfekt publishing house and the amazing merit of the Bishop of Nitra, H. E. Mons. Viliam Judák, who warmly and with trust opened the doors to the research team of restorers led by Prof. Boris Kvasnica with the intention of digitizing and basic non-destructive research of this gem. For a restorer, researcher or scientist, it is always an extraordinary event to find yourself in the presence of something as precious as fragments of our history, as the legacy of previous generations and as an opportunity to learn more. Humility and expertise in symbiosis with spiritual and artistic values ​​have opened up the space for this solemn gathering. Therefore, allow us to introduce and perhaps even reconstruct a little the bridge between these worlds. The spiritual world, the world of history, the world of science and research and the world as such, full of people, culture and everything that is our building block.

Barbora Peterková


Introducing the Facsimile of the Nitra Gospel-book into Liturgical Ceremonies