tEAMwork. breaking the ice in Bratislava. students / graduates / guests
We cordially invite you to the exhibition of the 3EAM studio, graduates and guests in Bratislava's Biela area. The exhibition is also included in the Bratislava City Days 2024 program.
Biela 6, Bratislava
exhibition accessible from: 20.04.2024, 10.00 a.m.
festive opening: 20.4. 2024 at 5 p.m.
duration: 20. 4. – 26. 4. 2024
TUE. – FRI. / 23. 4. – 26. 4. from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
- Lilla Gombos, Filip Gruszczak, Samuel Hošek, Dajana Hroššová, Daniela Illéšová, Tereza Kontúrová, Dajana Marcinková, Karolína Molnárová, Silvia Paučíková, Adam Priecel, Hugo Raiman, Oksana Sadovenko, Kamil Šlapák, Namiko Uchnárová, Anna Zbořilová
- Graduates:
- Ján Šutvay, Max Rumanský, Paulína Gajerová, Anastasia Onikienko
- Students of Theory and History of Art department:
- Hana Ontkocová a Fanny Pekarčíková
- Guests:
- Mira Kubáňová, Matej Maturkanič
The exhibition of 3EAM students / the third expanded studio of painting at AFAD in the premises at Biela 6 is a fluid expanded spatial installation of students, graduates and guests from the last years of the operation of the 3EAM studio from 2021 to the present.
At the moment, the still non-gallery space is a call for expanded co-work between the studio staff in cooperation with the teachers of the studios, Rastislav Sedlačík and Matej Fabian, with the assistance of Hana Ontkocová and Fanny Pekarčíková, students of the Department of Art Theory and History of the Academy of Fine Arts.
The range of artworks and approaches is reflected in the media of installation, hanging image to painting / found object. A certain analogy is Diego Rivera's painting The Ice Break in Bratislava from 1956, which depicts a group of workers carrying wooden beams on the bank of the Danube. The name tEAMwork also refers to this image, which is based on collaboration, just like what happens in a school studio.