TWILIGHT OF TIME openwork history, memory, photography

doc. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD.

Publisher: VŠVU / Slovart

Year of publication: 2018

ISBN 978-80-556-3478-4


Bohunka Koklesová, author of the publication In the shadow of the Third Reich, official photographs of the Slovak state, this time deals with the issue of agency photography in Slovakia between 1945 and 1956. However, she does not focus on analyzing the propaganda goals of the Stalin era, but on actively thinking about history, memory and photography , which recorded all the essential facts of the time. Through almost 300 images, the book maps the first days of peace after the Second World War, population transfers and removals, the rise of communists to power, as well as specific forms of building a socialist society.

Photos for the publication were provided by Press Agency of the Slovak Republic Bratislava and Czech press office Prague.


Bookcover of TWILIGHT OF TIME openwork history, memory, photography