Short-term mobility abroad for AFAD PhD candidates

Dear PhD candidates, we would like to bring to your attention a (relative) novelty within the Erasmus+ programme, namely the possibility to go abroad also for short-term mobility.

Mobility possibilities:

1. for the purpose of study, list of partners (except Japan and Uruguay).

2. for the purpose of a work placement (mobility opportunities: EU Member States; Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Turkey, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State, Switzerland). 

Mobility conditions:

  • The mobility programme must be related to the applicant's field of PhD research.
  • The PhD student arranges the acceptance individually, in collaboration with his or her supervisor and the supervisor-consultant.

Duration and financial support:

  • Mobility duration: 
    • min. 14 days - max. 30 days
  • Financial support for the stay:
    • 79 Eur/day (1. - 14. day of the mobility) a 59 Eur (15. - 30. day of the mobility)
  • Financial support for travel costs:
    • depending on the distance
  • Financial support for a student with a lack of opportunity
    • +100 Eur (in the case of the mobility of 5 to 14 days) and +150 Eur (in the case of the mobility of 15 to 30 days)


Applications for this type of Erasmus+ mobility are accepted at the International Office of the AFAD on a continuous basis.

International Office


Financed by EU