Painting in contexts, painting contexts
Jana Geržová
Publisher: Slovart, VŠVU
Year of publication: 2012
ISBN: 978-80-556-0793-1
Czech-Slovak Symposium Painting in Contexts, Contexts of Painting is one of the outputs of a research task focused on critical reflection on contemporary painting, which was solved by Jana Geržová in the Visual and Cultural Studies Section of the Research Center of the Academy of Fine Arts from 2009 to 2012. The project was based on the need to open a professional discussion on the current position of painting and its relationship to other media. So far, painting has only been partially reflected in Slovakia, although in the work of domestic authors, including students of the Academy of Fine Arts, as well as other art schools, we have seen an increased interest in the painting medium in the last decade. He ranges in a wide range of approaches from the return to the classical hanging painting and the renaissance of traditional painting genres such as self-portrait, still life, landscape, to creation that has the hallmarks of postmodern plurality, eclecticism and hybridization of the painting.
The concept of the symposium, in which important personalities of Slovak and Czech theory and criticism participated - Vladimír Beskid, Gabriela Garlatyová, Beata Jablonská, Eva Kapsová, Peter Michalovič, Tomáš Pospiszyl (CZ), Zora Rusinová, Milena Slavická (CZ), Zuzana Štefková (CZ) , Petr Vaňous (CZ) and Marian Zervan - followed up on the research results that Jana Geržová arrived at during the solution of a previous research task at the Academy of Fine Arts (2006 to 2009). The output of the research was a project of oral history first applied to the history of fine arts in Slovakia: Conversations about painting. A View of Slovak Painting through Oral History (2009).