NEW FORMS EUČ_reporting period 2022

NEW ! accompanying forms for recording the outputs of artistic activity and responses to the outputs of artistic activity (CREUČ2_2022)

In connection with the registration of the outputs of artistic activity and responses to the outputs of artistic activity, which is implemented under the new decree and in the new system, we are making available NEW accompanying forms for the registration of the University of Applied Sciences. A separate form is created for each type of artistic activity (VU-fine art, DI-design, AR-architecture, KU-curation, RE-restoration, OH-feedback to UČ output).

EUČ forms are available for download on the VŠVU website in the section: Akademická knižnica/Publikačná a umelecká činnosť/Evidencia umeleckej činnosti and also here:









Instructions for submitting the form:

1. the form must be downloaded to your computer,

2. after filling in the data, the file must be "saved as",

3. name the saved file Surname Name_year_order (e.g. Kováč Ján_2022_01),

4. send the completed form together with the documentation (attachments) to the address: euca VSVU