Donate 2 percent of your tax to student projects
If we want to have a better quality of life in Slovakia, it will not work in the 21st century without culture and art. It is therefore important to support young people in their work so that they do not leave Slovakia after their studies.
Support the emerging artistic generation and donate two percent of your tax to the PRO ART non-investment fund. This year, we want to use the received contributions mainly to support the development and presentation of the works and activities of our students. The practical skills acquired during their studies through the preparation of projects and through presentations in Slovakia and abroad will help them to become active professionals in our cultural scene and in other professional areas.
We use the contributions obtained on the PRO ART fund for various artistic and theoretical projects, but in 2023, we want to focus mainly on the support of:
- Exhibition and artistic activities of the AFAD students in Slovakia and abroad,
- Cultural and artistic events of the AFAD students,
- Creation of extraordinary student artistic and theoretical works,
- Creation of student associations on campus.
The non-investment fund PRO ART
If you are an employee, download the editable pre-filled Statement (RTF) and Tax Confirmation forms here.
If you are filing a tax return, fill in the following information in the appropriate field:
- Business name or title: Neinvestičný fond PRO ART „n. f. "
- Registered seat: Hviezdoslavovo námestie č. 18, 811 01 Bratislava
- Legal form: non-investment fund
- Recipient identification number (IČO / SID): 31772340