Do you want to experience a happening, action or game? Join the Laboratory of Performance with Maja Štefančíková!
The Laboratory of Performance is a space for experimenting and exploring art that comes to life in a specific time and place. Emphasis is placed on liveliness and interaction within the context of space and time, utilizing movement, gestures, and spoken word.
- The study of performance encompasses a wide range of artistic forms and historical traditions from various cultures. It is not merely an artistic expression but a phenomenon deeply rooted in the history of humanity.
- The creative process integrates different media and artistic disciplines. Thus, creation works not only with the "human material" but also employs all available media, opening new possibilities for artistic expression.
- The program is open to all students of visual arts who are interested in exploring new ways of creating and collaborating on various projects.
- Performative art is an integral part of our daily lives, with teamwork and collaboration being key elements of its process.
Photogallery from recent Performances