Defenses of habilitation theses

Mgr. art. Olja Triaška Stefanovič, ArtD., Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.

The Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava announces that on December 4, 2019, in the lecture room no. 135 on Hviezdoslavovo nám. no. 18 will hold two public habilitation lectures and defenses of habilitation theses of university teachers of the AFAD in Bratislava, in the field of study 2.2.1 Fine Arts.

4. 12. 2019, 10.30 – Mgr. art. Olja Triaška Stefanovič, ArtD.

4. 12. 2019, 12.30 – Mgr. art. András Cséfalvay, ArtD.