Center for Applied Research in New Materials and Technology Transfer

The aim of the project was to create a science center focused on applied research in the field of new materials and technologies and to build a platform for technology transfer. As part of the project, workplaces and laboratories were established in the SAS complex on Dúbravská cesta 9 in Bratislava.

Research team:

Mgr. art. Júlia Kolláthová, ArtD., Doc. Mgr. Art. Vít Halada, ArtD., Mag. arch. Kristína Rypáková, ArtD., Doc. M.A. Blanka Cepkova, Dipl. des. Zuzana Sebekova, ArtD., Prof. Ing. Stefan Klein, acad. soch., doc. Mgr. art. Sylvia Jokelová, doc. Ferdinand Chrenka, acad. soch., prof. Boris Kvasnica, acad. mal., Mgr. art. Barbora Nemeckova, Mgr. Jan Sikoriak, doc. Mgr. art. Martin Piacek ArtD., Doc. Mgr. art. Patrik Illo, doc. Mgr. art. Pavol Macho

Project description:

The center includes, for example, laboratories for research into ceramic or metal materials, nanomaterials, as well as an office for technology transfer and an incubator for promising projects in the industrial field.

The Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava participated mainly in the fulfillment of the 2nd specific goal - Cooperation within the academic sector in the implementation of applied research and development. The project involved the Department of Architectural Creation, Department of Design, Department of Restoration, Department of Sculpture, object installation, Department of Textile Creation, Department of Applied Arts.

The VŠVU implemented joint projects in cooperation with some SAS institutes. For example, the Department of Textile Design of the VŠVU cooperated with the Institute of Polymers of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and jointly researched the possibilities of applying polymer materials to textile samples. The Department of Restoration of the VŠVU, in cooperation with the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, uses computed tomography to examine specific parts of the object, based on which it is possible to see inside the examined object without disturbing it.

More information on the website of the Slovak Academy of Sciences:

We support research activities in Slovakia / The project is co-financed by EU resources.

ITMS: 26240220088

Project type:

Demand-oriented project, Operational Program Research and Development, Priority Axis: 4 - Support for research and development in BK, Measure: 4.2 Transfer of knowledge and technologies acquired through research and development into practice in the Bratislava Region


September 2013 – July 2015


VŠVU project partner

Project completed