By decision of the rector call for proposals for candidates for members of the Academic Board of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava re-extended till October 23, 2022, midnight.

University of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as "AFAD") in accordance with Art. § 40 et seq. Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on amendments to certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Law on Universities"), which regulates the competences of the administrative board of a public university and determines the rules for its creation, announces a call for proposals for candidates for members of the Administrative Board of VŠVU.

The deadline for submitting proposals for candidates for members of the VŠVU Board of Directors has been extended until Sunday, 16 October 2022, 24:00.


for candidates for members of the Academic Board of AFAD. According to the Law on Universities, the members of the Academic board of a public university are mainly:

  • significant scientific personalities or artistic personalities,
  • representatives of public life at the national or regional level and
  • significant representatives of the business sector in accordance with the mission of the public university or
  • persons who have experience in handling the property and financial resources of a legal entity.



Proposals of candidates for members of the Academic Board of AFAD are submitted to the Academic Senate of AFAD (hereinafter referred to as "AS AFAD") by:

  • legal entities registered in the register of non-governmental non-profit organizations (§ 2 paragraph 2 of Act No. 346/2018 Coll. on the register of non-governmental non-profit organizations and on amendments to certain laws),
  • municipalities,
  • self-governing regions,
  • Slovak Academy Of Science,
  • public research institutions and
  • other legal entities that hold a certificate of competence to carry out research and development, except for universities,
  • representative associations of employers.



The proposed candidate must have, in accordance with § 40 par. 3 of the Law on Universities:

  • at least a first-level university education,
  • at least four years of management experience in a legal entity and
  • skills in handling the property and financial resources of a legal entity.



The function of a member of the Academic Board of AFAD is in accordance with § 40 par. 4 of the Law on Universities incompatible with the function of:

  • member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic,
  • a member of the government,
  • State Secretary,
  • the rector,
  • vice-rector,
  • dean and
  • head of the VŠVU component,
  • neither their dependents may be members of the AFAD Academic Board [§ 2 letter n) of Act no. 595/2003 Coll. as amended by Act no. 344/2017 Coll.].
  • fthe function of a member of the Academic Board of AFAD is incompatible with a civil servant relationship in a service office, which is a ministry, with an employment relationship with the ministry or a budget organization or contribution organization established by it, with membership in the EU academic community in Bratislava and with membership in the board of directors of another university.



The student part of the AS AFAD may elect one member of the Academic Borard of AFAD  from among the members of the AFAD academic community who meet the above requirements and are not members of the AFAD Academic Senate.




The proposal for a candidate for a member of the Academic Board of AFAD must contain:

  • professional biography of the proposed person,
  • consent of the proposed candidate,
  • affidavit of the proposed candidate on the fact that he meets the conditions for membership in the AFAD Academic Board and that incompatibility of his functions with possible membership in the AFAD Academic Board is excluded,
  • statement on the processing of the candidate's personal data for the purposes of selecting members of the Academic Board.


Complete proposals can be submitted to the Academic Senate of AFAD in written form in a sealed envelope marked with the password:

 „Návrh na kandidáta na člena Správnej rady VŠVU


to address:

Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave

Akademický senát VŠVU

Hviezdoslavovo nám.č. 18

814 37  Bratislava


The submitter of the proposal is obliged to indicate his name or business name and full address.




October 23, 2022, 24:00


doc. Mgr. art. Martin Piaček, ArtD.

predseda AS VŠVU