Pictures – Windows – Systems

This new edition of the exhibition series by the NOVUM Foundation, presenting awarded artists and held jointly with a conference, deals with problems that have a deep historical basis as well as with current developments in information technologies.

Exhibiting artists:

Katalin Madarász Decsi
Monika Pascoe Mikyšková
Magda Stanová
Olja Triaška Stefanović
Eva Škrovinová


Ivan Gerát Marián Zervan


Dr. Miroslav Haľák

A window represented an important paradigm for the Renaissance perspective but at the same time its plural form – Windows – has become a title for one of the most popular operating systems. Both real and virtual windows create a framework and a context for perception of reality, and become an inspiration for creative people, including artists. A concept of system, its structure and functioning define a framework for a broader contextualization of the subject into a social existence and historical processes. This topic has also inspired artists from among the group awarded by the NOVUM Foundation in previous years. The exhibition and the conference will be documented by a publication, prepared in cooperation with Slovart Publishing Ltd.