Scholarships for study and research in the USA: SAIA Webinar on May 24
The International Office of AFAD suggests to check interesting SAIA event, intended for university students, doctoral and postdoctoral students, university teachers and researchers. It primarily concerns scholarships for study and research in the USA, but also elsewhere in the world.
Online webinar
- more info and a link to connect via MS Teams are under the link above.
Wednesday 24/05/2023, 3 p.m.
SAIA programs
FULBRIGHT program - scholarships to the USA
NŠP - National scholarship program - scholarships all over the world
Bulletin SAIA 5/2023
- also deals extensively with this topic,
- you can read it in pdf.
You will also learn there about other presentation and information events of SAIA (Slovak Academic Information Agency) regarding various academic opportunities abroad.