Registration for a semester-long internship abroad in Fall semester 2023/24 available till August 15!
Dear students, The International Office of AFAD reminds you of the possibility to apply for a semester-long internship abroad in WS 23/24 and to apply for a grant under the Erasmus+ program.
Terms of application:
- 3rd, 4th and 5th year students can apply for a semester internship in the winter semester. 6th year students can apply for an internship only if they decide to extend their studies and proceed to (paid) above-standard-length Study
- You can complete the internship during the 3 months of the fall semester
- The minimum duration of the semester internship is 13 weeks with the number of hours worked 37.5 hours/week.
The semester-long internship serves as a substitute for the studio and you will be awarded 20 ECTS for its successful completion.
The deadline for submitting an application for an internship in FS 2023/24 is August 15, 2023!
- Must be completely filled out and signed by you, your receiving institution, your head of department and studio.
- Send the application by email to:
- We reserve min. 3 weeks for processing of the Application
More info
- can be found at the webpage "Traineeships for students ("
- You can also look at the internship database for inspiration: "Databáza stáží VŠVU ("
We look forward to your applications!
Your International Office of AFAD