NŠP scholarships for mobility from abroad until 30. 4. + webinars on submitting applications

The International Office of AFAD recommends to the attention of students up to the postdoc level the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic designed to support mobility and also the SAIA webinars regarding the submission of applications for these scholarships. The webinars will be on  28.2., 12., 21. and 22. 3.

webinars ---- information about the call

Webinars about NŠP

28. 2. 2024 at 14:00:

scholarships all over the world for university students / how to apply successfully?


other webinar dates and topics:

12. 3. 2024 at 14:00:

  • NŠP - scholarships all over the world for doctoral students / how to apply successfully?, (SK)
  • link

21. 3. 2024 at 14:00:

  • NŠP scholarships all over the world: How to write a successful application - webinar for university students, (SK)
  • link

13. 10. 2023 at 14:00 (ENGLISH)

  • Study/research in Slovakia with the National Scholarship Programme.


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Call for scholarship applications

As part of the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic to support mobility, a new call for applications for scholarships for study, research/artistic and lecture stays in the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025 has been published.

Who are the scholarships for?

Scholarships are intended for students and doctoral students of Slovak universities (even if the doctoral studies are carried out at an external educational institution in accordance with the Act on Higher Education, e.g. at SAS) and postdoctoral students working at Slovak universities and research organizations with permanent residence in Slovakia to cover living expenses for a study and/or research/artistic stay during the 2nd stage of higher education (master's/engineering/doctoral studies), a study and/or research/artistic stay during doctoral studies or for a research stay for postdoctoral students at a selected foreign university , respectively research organization.


Applicants can get detailed information about the program on the official website of the program.


*Students, doctoral students and post-doctoral students can apply for a travel grant in connection with their planned study and/or research/artistic stay abroad together with the application for a scholarship within the NŠP.


Scholarships for mobility from abroad to Slovakia

The national scholarship program of the Slovak Republic is also intended to support the mobility of foreign students, doctoral students, university teachers, research and artistic workers for stays at Slovak universities and research organizations. Citizens of any country in the world can apply for the scholarship!



the deadline for submitting applications is April 30, 2024 until 4:00 p.m., while the stays will be possible during the 2024/2025 academic year. Applications for scholarships can currently be submitted online at www.stipendia.sk or www.scholarships.sk.

*The next deadline, which will take place on October 31, 2024, will focus on stays during the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year.


The results

selection will be published on our website (www.stipendia.sk/sk/main/vysledky-vyberovych-konani), no later than 8 weeks after the end of the program; all scholarship applicants will be informed of the selection results by e-mail.

If you have questions

regarding the National Scholarship Program, you can also contact the administrators of this program directly:

  • Kristína Sallerová (nsp-sk@saia.sk), scholarship applicants with permanent residence in Slovakia;
  • Ondrej Aradský (nsp-foreign@saia.sk), applicants (university teacher/researcher) for a scholarship from abroad;

  • Silvia Lipovská (nsp-foreign2@saia.sk), applicants (student, doctoral candidate) for a scholarship from abroad.


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