Rozptyl: A reading of the poetry of Podivuhodné zoskupenie
We invite you to the first accompanying event of the exhibition ROZPTYL, on Friday 15 September at 7 p.m. at Karpatská 24 in the Old Town of Bratislava.
Karpatská 24, 811 05 Bratislava
(within exhibition Rozptyl)
- Please note that entry is at your own risk. There are no toilets or water at the venue.
Poetry reading: on Friday 15 September from 7 p.m.
Duration of Rozptyl: September 1 – October 1, 2023 (THU, FRI: 5 - 8 p.m., SAT, SUN - 2 - 8 p.m.).
- Richard Hronský, Hugo Raýman, Lukáš Sobota, Kristína Majvitorová, Adam Balogh, Samuel Gregor Dzurek
The independent and spontaneous cultural event is a follow-up to the last OSVIT exhibition, and the organizational team includes numerous (but not only) students from the AFAD. As they say themselves:
"We organize independently, without subsidies or grants. This is not a protest, nor is it political. Just an affirmation that human and beautiful things can be done when the desire and joy are there!"
In the three floors of the former asylum house on Karpatská 24 in the Old Town, thanks to Rozptyl, you can view the works of more than 100 artists from Slovakia and abroad, from academic and non-academic backgrounds.
Many thanks to the Bratislava - Staré Mesto district and the Hradby Samoty festival.
Find out more in Denník N article

Exhibiting artists:
Karola Ainsar, Herman Ainsar, Aivar, Nataly Angletová, Viktória Arvayová, Adam Balogh, Bianka Barniaková, Denis Baštuga, Jaroslav Beliš, Hana Belohorcová, Anna Mária Beňová, Oliver Beťko, Marek Bihúň, Alek Binder, Boh Vajec, Denis Braun, Grga Busić, Ema Cintulová, Peter Coss, Mário Coufal, Anna Czár, Eva Čarnoká, Palo Čejka, Ester Čejka, Nikola Čemanová, Tereza Darášová, Tomáš Deák, Klára Dolník, Polina Drachenina, Lucia Dubnická, Kateřina Durďáková, Juraj Ďuriš, Samuel Gregor Dzurek, Exil, Peter Fabo, Markus Formel, Matej Gavula, Suplicz Gergely, Jozef Gľaba, Michal Golák, Lilla Gombos, Richard Gottschall, Greta Grega, Alexandra Grüner, Erika Hajzoková, Mari Holecz, Gréta Fedora Homzová, Tereza Fedora Homzová, Lucie Hošková, Matouš Hrbek, Eva Milada Hroboňová, Samuel Hromec, Jakub Hronský, Richard Hronský, Martin Hronský, Alica Hujdičová, Ester Hvojníková, Šimon Chovan, Filip Chovanec, Michaela Kacsiová, Juraj Kadlečík, Julian Kadrnoschka, Peter Kalmus, Ľudmila Karásková, Kristie Kardio, Miklós Kelemen, Michala Patrícia Kelová, Agáta Kertész, Oliver Kertész, Mária Kižnanská, Bystrík Klčo, Kodiki, Vojtech Kolenčík, Tereza Kontúrová, Marcel Korec, Timotej Kosmel, Klaudia Kosziba, Amália Kotradyová, Kozel Jedenast, Martin Král, Natália Kullmanová, Matúš Kurdel, Tadeáš Kyncl, Otis Laubert, Daniel Lebeda, Denisa Lehocká, Lepak, Vavřinec Linka, Palo Lipa, Dorota Malichová, Eva Masaryková, Mária Masaryková, Deborah Menšlová, Ema Mihálová, Martin Mikláš, Ivana Mlynárová, Michaela Moravčíková, Daria Morozova, Cleopatra Muchová, Moučník, Nikto69, Matúš Novosad, Viktor Oravec, Pani Elena, París, Monika Pascoe Mikyšková, Martin Piaček, Jakub Pohlódek, Katarína Poliačiková, Pothed, Kasha Potrohosh, Michaela Prablesková, Lukáš Procházka, Projekt269, Prorok, Miriam Pružincová, František Radačovský, Radhé, Raketak, Ralod, Marco Rapant, Hugo Raýman, Samuel Raýman, Daniel Remeň, Maximilián Rumanský, Ester Sabik, Filip Sabol, Oksana Sadovenko, Kimi Salamonová, Silbern Schwarz, Rudolf Sikora, Sit, Barbora Smutná, Lukáš Sobota, Viliam Solovic, Ľubo Stacho, Radim Straka, Marek Stuller, Lívia Suchá, Noemi Šicková, Viktor František Jaroslav Šlégl, Jára Šplíchal, Peter Šulavík, Ema Šútovcová, Hubert Švaříček, Teduart1, Dionýz Troskó, Elizabeth Vargová, Lukáš Vozár, Louis Wuttke a Andrej Zelman.
Reading of poetry of Podivuhodné zoskupenie
Marián Šintaj,Dorota Suránová, Boris Barina, Kristína Gregůrková, Arthur Kiss, Dominika Sečkárová and Tomáš Janešík.
Podivuhodné Zoskupenie
is metamorphosing poetic group with the unstable participation of writers around the person of Michala Patrícia Kelova.
The Group brings together both poetic amateurs and renowned writers who managed to flourish at the Medziriadky young literature competition.
This group will present itself in the premises of the Bratislava exhibition ROZPTYL, where it will experience its poetic premiere.