We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition "CATEGORY - QUALITY, REALITY, DENIAL, LIMITATIONS" (KATEGORIUM – JAKOŚĆ, REALNOŚĆ, PRZECZENIE, OGRANICZENIE) on Friday, April 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in Wałbrzych, Poland
Galeria Centrum Ceramiki Unikatowej,
przy ul. Wysockiego 29 w Starej Kopalni w Wałbrzychu, Poland
Opening: Friday April 28, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Exhibition duration: April 28 - July 16, 2023
- Marcin Berdyszak
- Anita Damas
- Tomasz Drewicz
- Jerzy Kosałka
- Patrik Kovačovský
- Sławomir Kuszczak
- David Stegmann
- Anna Szewczyk
- Andrzej Mazur
The Category – Quality, reality, denial, limitation Exhibition
is the next stage of the project revealing the scope of interpretative decisions of Immanuel Kant's twelve categories, four of which involve eight artists from Poland, Germany, Belgium and Slovakia. This time they are quality, reality, denial and limitation. The invited artists: Marcin Berdyszak, Anita Damas, Tomasz Drewicz, Jerzy Kosałka, Patrik Kovačovský, Sławomir Kuszczak, David Stegmann and Anna Szewczyk present paintings, as well as installations and sculptures, and the project's assumption is to reveal the artists' intentions related to the problem.
The works presented at the exhibition are the sum of individual experiences related to the category which, on the one hand, is part of the structure of human cognition, and on the other hand, is a concept that can be interpreted. The first perspective requires rigor with Kant's transcendental philosophy, according to which categories are (along with time and space) innate, being a necessary condition for cognition. The second vector concerns the fact that each of the categories can be understood on the basis of one's own interpretations, experiences and reflections. The first way is determined by the apodictic rule of the need to refer to a philosophical system that has a universal function of explaining the concept. The second route leads through the area where attempts are made to subjectively explain what is usually placed on a pedestal and defined as the prohibition of interfering with inner certainty.
Artists invited to participate in the exhibition take part in one category, all or some of the four selected ones. The artistic proposal, which is an implication of an attempt to solve the problem, reveals itself in various dimensions (symbolic, emotional, formal, existential, critical, etc.), and the result of reflection justifies works that initiate the possibility of further search for the meanings of the categories of quality, reality, denial and limitation. The project was created as an attempt to reveal the relationship between accuracy and experience, thus becoming a field of discussion in which the conflict of intellectual determinism and subjective voluntarism turns into an inspiring and synthetic dialogue.
(text: Andrzej Mazur)