Triple Vernissage

The Slovak Mining Museum and the Jozef Kollár Gallery in Banská Štiavnica cordially invite you to the opening of three exhibitions in the Jozef Kollár Gallery

For the Foyer and Atrium of the Jozef Kollár Gallery, Jozef Pilát creates a site-specific multimedia installation called Per aspera ad astra. This Latin term, freely translatable as an obstacle to the stars, suggests the symbolism that can be found in Pilate's work: plant motif, thorns, hard manual work, soil work, mining, picking up the unwanted (waste, weeds). The monumental installation of Jozef Pilát in the Jozef Kollár Gallery will thus be possible to perceive also within the historical context of the Štiavnica region. The curator of the exhibition is Mária Janušová. The exhibition will run until December 5, 2021.

Poster for exhibition of Jozef Pillát

And II. floor of the gallery, in the historic stucco hall, we will present the work of the artistic couple Jarmila Mitríková and Dávid Demjanovič. The exhibition entitled Whispering Shadows, Flickering Flames and the Green Oracle focuses on the ceramic works of the author pair. The presentation of the work of an artistic duo in a specific installation will allow us to return back to the roots, to the pre-Christian world of myths, myths, legends or a strong connection with nature. The curator of the exhibition is Mária Janušová. The exhibition will run until December 5, 2021.

Poster for exhibition of Jaroslava Mitríkováand Dávid Demjanovič

In our START UP space on the first floor of the gallery, we will present the work of the young artist Ľubomír Slovinský. His project, The Vanishing Underground, was selected by the Gallery Board as part of our recent Open Call. The exhibition in the Jozef Kollár Gallery will focus on the topic of landscape transformation due to deforestation and mining activities. The author points to the landscape after mining on the example of the surroundings of Gelnice. In this way, we will be able to see how nature deals with history and how it takes human interventions back. The exhibition will run until September 26, 2021.

Poster for exhibition Ľubomír Slovinský

The Jozef Kollár Gallery is part of the Slovak Mining Museum, which was founded by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.