The New Interfaces/Zuzana Husárová: The Illusion of Divinity from Clay and Components or From Artistic Vision and Concept to Robot and Cyborg

You are invited to the MEDIUM Gallery for the first lecture from the series New Interfaces entitled "The Illusion of Divinity from Clay and Components or From Artistic Vision and Concept to Robot and Cyborgy". The lecture includes a cordial invitation to a cup of hot tea as well. The lecture will be held in Slovak language.

In the lecture, Zuzana Husárová will guide us through the history of visions about the creation of non-human beings as temptations of divinity in man, through literary works thematizing the creation of a "better" man. The lecture also deals with robotic concepts and direct physical artifacts, and moves on to Haraway's thinking about cyborg and other contemporary posthuman theories of recent decades, when, according to American psychologist Sherry Turkle, "technology has become the architect of our intimate realms."

Zuzana Husárová is a literary scientist, poet and pedagogue. She lectures on American literature and creative writing through new media at the Comenius University in Bratislava and electronic literature at the Masaryk University in Brno. She is an author of experimental literature using various media, she collaborates with Ľubomír Panák (Liza Gennart's neural network project) on interactive literary projects.

The lecture is a part of the New Interfaces series, which is dramaturgically covered by the head of the MEDIUM Gallery, Miroslava Urbanová. The New Interfaces are a series of interdisciplinary lectures led by experts in various fields - literature, psychology, social sciences, aesthetics and game theory and art. They deal with topics that resonate in the work of the youngest artists working within the post-media environment. The cycle will focus primarily on topics related to our cognitive conditions in the interfaces of constantly evolving technologies and in contrast to the desire for authentic, visceral experience escaping out here-and-now. These themes appear in art with increasing urgency, both in the overproduction of performative works or works thematizing these new interfaces. The lectures also reflect the themes that appear in the dramaturgy of the exhibition plan of the MEDIUM gallery and its reading club for students What´s the Point?

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.