
or the first exhibition of the 3EAM studio

Station gallery, G. Mallého Street 2, Bratislava-Petržalka

Presented students: Paulína Gajerová, Lilla Gombos, Daniela Illéšová, Linda Olejárová, Anastasia Onikienko, Adam Priecel, Max Rumanský, Kamil Šlapák, Ján Šutvay

Concept: Rastislav Sedlačík/Matej Fabian

"Teambuilding" is a very strange activity that seeks to bring together disparate work teams that, in the name of abstract variables such as "working together" or "creating effective working relationships", strive to increase performance, efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

The attempt to present the work of students currently studying in the third painting studio of the AFAD, led by Rasťo Sedlačík and Matej Fabian, may seem similarly atypical. But there is one difference. While teambuilding seeks to negate the individual in favor of the whole (under the heading of joint activities), the group exhibition seeks to present the individual program of each of the students of the studio.

Although the studio focuses on the issue of expanded painting, we have chosen a more conservative, dual way of presentation for the Petržalka Station gallery. The first is the reaction to the gallery space evoking the white cube, in a chosen format derived from the perimeter of the gallery. In this approach, we present one of the basic principles of studio management and thus is the same, open approach with regard to the uniqueness and needs of the student. The second platform is the gallery area, open to individual interventions.

We no longer ask the question of the meaning of painting, but rather focus on the painting itself. Perhaps we can justify this by saying that the need to paint still exists. We do not perceive painting only as a hanging picture, but as something that spills over into related media such as objects or drawings. Painting works in a network of relationships, not only between the media, but also within the vertical relationship between the past, present and future.

The works of students also function in the same relationships. With some generalization, we can talk about interest in the figure, building one's own universe, fragility as an exchange for the narrative / generous. About uncertainty as a generational statement, or as a consequence of the reversal of the paradigm of the end of globalization, or the threat of imminent / global conflict.

Matej Fabian

The opening will also include a musical performance by DJ FallingVeil / techno, post-club /

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