Suvenir Žilina 2023
We cordially invite you to the exhibition Souvenir Žilina 2023, which will take place on Tuesday 12/12/2023 at 16:00 in the Považská Art Gallery in Žilina.
Ul. Štefánikova č.2
010 01 Žilina
Opening: December 12 at 5 p. m.
- Duration: 12.12.2023 - 2.3.2024

About the Exhibition
The aim of contemporary_suvenir platform is to support the creation of contemporary Slovak souvenirs with artistic value. To build this platform, I was inspired by summers spent in my parents´ cottage in Čičmany, where I noticed that tourists and visitors were longing for genuine and authentic souvenirs. I also felt the need for this project because of my background in the field of sculpture and design. As a visual artist, I have, for many years, been observing that tourists were bringing home mass-produced souvenirs that, in most cases, had almost nothing to do with our culture. Since 2015, I have initiated cooperation with artists and designers. I organize artistic residencies, during which time they design affordable souvenirs inspired by Slovakia. This project aspires to compare with the rest of Europe in selling and supporting authentic design objects. In my opinion, we are able to offer more than a T-shirt saying “I love Partyslava” or a magnet with a glass of beer, both made in China. This year with the cooperation with the Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina marks the 8th edition of the project.
As a result, a new set of souvenir designs inspired by Žilina was made.
The list of artists invited to participate in the 8th edition of „suvenir Žilina 2023“ include: jewelry maker Kristýna Španihelová; visual artist and painter Stano Ondruš; designer Minka Klbečková; graphic designer Barbora Chiappini; typographer and graphic designer Juraj Blaško; sculptor Jaroslav Kyša; graphic designer Eva Čarnoká; visual artist Daniela Krajčová; and graphic designer Lucia Švagerková. Each of them designed a unique piece for “contemporary_suvenir”. All together, they make part of this catalogue presented at the group exhibition (suvenir Žilina 2023 / 12 December – 2 March 2024) in Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina.
I would like to acknowledge the cooperation and organizational assistance of all my colleagues and friends from the Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina, Žilina-Záriečie Railway Station, and the New Synagogue. I also would like to thank graphic designer Lucia Švagerková and my husband Richard for their friendly production assistance, and Andrea Ziman Babčanová for the English translation. I am equally thankful to all of you who keep encouraging me and my “contemporary_suvenir” project!
Nina A. Šošková (project founder)
This project was supported from public funds by the Slovak Arts Council. The main project partner is the Slovak Arts Council.