Young Slovak talents in fine arts. Exhibition of students of art colleges of the Slovak Republic in Paris.
Salle des pas perdus, UNESCO Place de Fontenoy 7, 75 007 Paris
The grand opening of the exhibition will be possible to watch online via the Zoom platform
June 10 at 3:30 PM
The opening of the exhibition will take place in the presence of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Ivan Korčok, a high representative of UNESCO and three students of represented art academies (Katarína Gregová, Natália Šimonová and Lucia Žitnayová).
The exhibition within the Month of Slovak Culture in France is organized by the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to UNESCO, the Slovak Institute in Paris and the Slovak Embassy in France in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts at Technical University in Košoce, the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and AFAD in Bratislava.
GOMBOS Lilla (*1999) Student of the Department of Painting. In her illustrations and drawings, she has mastered a certain style with a patterned repetition of motifs, in which she deals mostly with social or personal problems, attitudes towards the world and herself. In the medium of painting, she explores and learns about these themes from different angles, pushing further their boundaries.
MATURKANIČ Matej (*1996) Student of the Department of Painting. In his work, he often relies marginally on the theme of graffiti, which essentially directed him to painting. His work is mainly based on typography and illustration. His paintings often consist of abstract font shapes, characters and various simplified drawings.
ŽITNAYOVÁ Lucia (*1994) Student of the Department of Painting. She has had several collective exhibitions. Lucia Žitnayová focuses mainly on abstract topics. Her work is currently within the limits of minimalism, to which the color scale is adapted.
GREGOVÁ Katarína (*1999) Student of the Studio of Graphics and Experimental Creation. In her work she solves the issue of identity, corporeality, the myth of beauty, social ideals, relationships. She devotes herself to painting, graphic techniques and is very close to her free, expressive drawing, which usually becomes the starting medium.
KECER Matúš (*1999) Student of the Studio of Graphics and Experimental Creation. Matúš Kecer likes to experiment when creating and often uses spray or blow markers. Recently, he has been inspired, among other things, by the aesthetics of computer games, in which he uses the possibilities of various shapes and structures. Overall, he prefers "chance" in his work, which can amplify and shift the final expression of the work into a more interesting form.
TAKÁČ Alexander (*1994) He began his studies in the studios of New Media and Intermedia, then moved to the Studio of Graphics and Experimental Creation, where he is currently completing the master degree. In his work, he studies his own identity and transcendental themes. He also works with pop culture such as games and music.
DURAJOVÁ Barbora (*1994) Student of Fine Arts. Babora Durajová's work is mainly focused on figural compositions in the landscape and fragments of the court. Its main inspiration is the village and the village courtyard, which is characterized by closedness and local memory. In her work, she deals with issues of identity from the point of view of cultural and social background, which she depicts by closing or literally "fencing".
SANDANUS Miroslav (*1994) Student of the Open Studio of Painting. In the competition Painting 2020 - VÚB Foundation, he won the third prize and the rector's award for his bachelor's thesis. Miroslav Sandanus without embellishments depicts pertinent topics, which often seem unkind or even disturbing. He focuses on the classical technique of painting, but he also does not resist new media.
ŠIMONOVÁ Natália (*1995) Student of the Open Studio of Painting. Currently a finalist of the STRABAG Artaward and the winner of the Painting 2020 - VÚB Foundation. Winner of the Dean's Award for the best bachelor's thesis. In her work, she focuses on research into painting material and work with non-classical painting materials. It consistently deals with selected motives of public space as part of personal and social memory.