Spolu – Together v priebehu rokov
The Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery in Nové Zámky and the Industrial Design Studio of the AFAD in Bratislava invite you to the opening of the exhibition Spolu - Together over the years.
Curator: PhDr. Zdenko Kolesár, PhD.
The Industrial Design Studio of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, led by Ferdinand Chrenka since its foundation, is one of the examples of connecting university art studies with practice. "The connection of theory with practice - an unresolved problem - about which there are endless discussions in the field of educational institutions, has not only a long tradition in this studio, but also specific results. Almost every semester, students solve design assignments based on the specific needs of different companies. The fact that the cooperation with the studio is enriching and beneficial for both parties is evidenced by successful projects implemented in cooperation with ... ELECTROLUX, IKEA, OMS, PALMA, COMPAQ, KODRETA, RONA, SANDRIK-BERNDORF, POLYTRADE, ÚĽUV, SAS, FUN TIME, TON, TULI, ARTEMIDE, N-POINT, STUDIO 21. HALLA, CUL CHARGE, SWN MORAVIA, CHIRANA-MEDICAL, EDULAB, TARIAN, TESCOMA, EGOE, LASVIT. "
Ferdinand Chrenka