Presentation of the publication ŠUR. School of Applied Arts in Bratislava 1928 – 1939

We cordially invite you to the presentation of the representative publication.

SATELIT Design Gallery on Kollárovo nám. in Bratislava

School of Applied Arts in Bratislava 1928 – 1939, which was just published by the Slovak Center for Design in cooperation with the Slovart. The book is an unique achievement in the field of history and theory of design in Slovakia and its creation was preceded by several years of research by 13 authors who contributed to the book with professional studies and a lot of pictorial material. Silvia Seneši Lutherová, a pedagogue from the Department of Theory and History of Art at the VŠVU, also participated in the preparation of the book with her study "The Voice of the New Age. From the Art Industry to Quality Production in Slovakia in the First Czechoslovak Republic".