Kseniia Rozhak-Lytvynenko: The Executed Renaissance”. Formation of the Ukrainian school of monumental painting. Theoretical and creative work of Mykhaylo Boychuk. “Boychukizm”
The Department of Theory and History of Art cordially invites you to a lecture and discussion within the subject “Selected Chapters form modern and contemporary art and design”, on Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 16:00 in room 220, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18
in room 220 (1st floor), Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18
on Wednesday 9. November 2022 at 4 p.m.
Mykhailo Boychuk (1882 – 1937) is the Ukrainian monumental artist, teacher and founder of the School of Monumental Painting, whose representatives tried to create distinctly national Ukrainian art. Searching the "Ukrainian national form", he turns to the traditions of Byzantine icon painting, folk art etc., interpreting them under the influence of the leading trends in modernist art, which he learned in France. He headed the monumental painting workshop at the newly established Ukrainian Academy of Arts. At the beginning of the 1930s, Boychuk tried to reconcile Ukrainian national art with the propaganda ideas of socialist realism. In 1937 Mykhailo Boychuk, together with several students, was shot by the soviet regime. Most of his works have been destroyed.
During the lecture the main stages of the creative and pedagogical path of Mykhailo Boychuk will be considered, his creative concepts will be analyzed both in the context of Ukrainian art and European artistic processes of the first half of the 20th century.
Kseniia Rozhak-Lytvynenko is the art-critic and lecturer of art history from Ukraine. Since 2019 she has been working as an Associate Professor at the Studio of Interior Design, Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Design at the National Aviation University in Kiev. She teaches Course in the History of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design and Course "The Personal brand of the designer". She is also the author of the educational online project "Art-Tours" which conducts online trainings in art history for kids and adults. The main topic of her scientific interests is the art of the first half of the twentieth century.
On March 13, 2022 due to the war in Ukraine, she has arrived to Bratislava. Now she is working on the research “The Art of the First World War in Ukraine and Slovakia: comparative characteristics”.
The lecture is carried out within the project promoted by Slovac Art Council, Call no. 101 / 2022, subprogram 3.8 Research and critical reflection on art in exile (Š)