Disappearing Body
On Saturday the exhibition Disappearing Body, curated by Lucia Gavulová, will be opened. The exhibition opening will be accompanied by a guided tour of the gallery, curatorial tour and a performance by the collective Marína Abramovič po sebe neupratuje.
Schaubmarov Mlyn v Pezinku, Pezinok-Cajla
Curator: Lucia Gavulová
Authors/collectives: Björnsonova, Jan Durina, Robert Gabris, Ján Gašparovič, Matej Gavula, Ludmila Hrachovinová, Katarína Hrušková, Paula Malinowska, Marína Abramovič Po Sebe Neupratuje, Milan Mazúr, Adam Novota, Jozef Pilát, Renáta Pintérová, Dušan Prekop, Viktória Revická, Denisa Slavkovská, Tatiana Takáčová, Martin Toldy, Dana Tomečková
…my feeling of my heart beating became something else, something not mine any more. What I know for sure is that at one point, my body rushed to the future, but then we got stuck.
Björnsonova: Rock Became the Cave, 2020
The exhibition Disappearing Body is an experiential essay on the "disappearing" of physical bodies in our lives. It observes the general trend of decorporalisation of human existence, which has recently taken on new dimensions. Whether we regard the issue of different degree of physical „disappearing" within everyday life through the optics of geopolitical context, technological direction, "dissolution" of identities in online environments, post- or trans-humanistic theories, pandemic measures, spirituality, or self-observation, each of the aspects offers a wide range of interpretations. Similarly variable image is brought by the exhibition.
Through the selection of works, the authors and collectives present a dynamic collage of associations referring to cyclically disappearing and appearing body in our practical existence. As a result, the particular cluster of projects is a manifestation of intersections, settings, emotions, affects, or tensions (in)directly and more or less referring to the disappearing body.