Slovacia : Slovensko

The idea of a creative workshop: Martin Kleibl. Editors: Ľubo Stacho, Martin Kleibl

Publisher: VŠVU

Year of publication: 2014

ISBN: 978-80-89664-15-3


Creative workshop Şinteu - Nová Huta, Bihorská county 28 September - 5 October 2013.

Exhibition in Medium Gallery AFAD Bratislava 6 May – 25 May 2014.

The exhibition was held on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the founding of the AFAD in Bratislava.

The project is a tribute to the Slovaks who managed to maintain their identity during their 240 years of residence in Bihor, Romania. The publication is divided into several chapters. In addition to photographs, drawings, and videos, the exhibition also featured recordings of songs or narration by people from this region.


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