Operational and external memory in art
Ivan Gerát, Marián Zervan
Publisher: Nadácia NOVUM/VŠVU/Slovart
Year of publication: 2020
EAN: 9788055647531
The book External and operational memory in art is already the second publication of the Novum Foundation, which is dedicated to current relations between art, science and technology. The first was the book Image Algorithms and Image Algorithms, published in cooperation with the University of Fine Arts and the Slovart publishing house. The book Illusion and Virtual Reality will follow. The book External and operational memory discusses various types of memory with which contemporary art works: semantic and episodic memory, long-term or short-term memory, sedimented objectified and procedural memory, but also different types of amnesias, erasures, anamnesis and recollections, heteronomous and autonomous memory , including the internal memory of art and the memory of artistic types and genres. Individual scientific studies are accompanied by texts and paintings by contemporary artists awarded by the Novum Foundation.