Koloman Sokol in Mexiko
Katarína Macurová
Year of publication: 2011
ISBN: 978-80-556-0443-5
Katarína Macurová, by choosing and processing the given issue, is catching up with the inherited debt of our modern art history "five minutes after twelve o'clock". She undertook to clarify and revise the traditional myth about Koloman Sokol's pedagogical activities in Mexico and about his influence on the formation of modern Mexican graphics. In parallel with this task, she fulfilled also proof of the equivalence of the Slovak artist and his artistic results from the 1930s of the last century with the advanced graphic culture of the great Latin American country. She realized her intention with the intentions of a hitherto unsurpassed methodology, researching "ad fontes". From a Central European point of view, she used an exclusive study stay to familiarize herself with the archival funds and pictorial literature of the host country, contacted the descendants of former collaborators of Koloman Sokol, got to know gallery collection funds, and monumental works of Mexican muralists.