Lamp / Lighting

2023/ 2024

Project management:

  • Mgr. art. Eva Veselá, ArtD., Mgr. art. Boris Belan


  • Martin Smital, Managing Director at Prolicht Czech s.r.o.
  • Adrián Kováč, CEO at AKL s.r.o., Lighting design & consulting.


Lamp / Lighting
Pavol Mazúr: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Aneta Mintálová: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Aneta Mintálová: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Ines Jelašičová: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Ján Cibulka: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Nina Neuhausová: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Pavol Mazúr: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Rebeka Šuveríková: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Samo Hartiník: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Tomáš Ružinský: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Tomáš Votřel: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.
Lamp / Lighting
Vira Fesenko: Lamp / Lighting, 2023.

About the project

The primary purpose of the lighting theme was to bring sustainability and ecological aspects of the designer's work into the discussion with the students. A discussion took place in the studio with Daniela Laluhová from Repairably. We visited the premises of DRZhuba in Nová Cvernovka, where Veronika Cyprichová explained to us the possibilities of using mycelium as a new sustainable material. The ambitions for the new lamp design were (fairly) high: experiments using recycled material, 3D printing, use of alternative production methods or materials.

Prolicht, an important Austrian manufacturer of architectural lighting, became the opposite of non-standard technological procedures and materials. Traditionally, students of the studio were inspired by a real manufacturer with a high technical level. Thanks to the effort to use the design concept of PROLICHT, the theme of the lamp did not remain at the level of experiment, it was supported by top technology and know-how built up over the years in the field of lighting production and sales.

In November, our students had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of PROLICHT in the Austrian town of Gotzens. As part of the excursion, the students were introduced to the entire process of producing lamps, from the storage of semi-finished products, through the mechanical processing of parts, robotic folding and manual assembly of parts, to the system of picking and delivering goods. At the same time, we had the opportunity to look into the department, where professional testing of lighting takes place based on its shape and source, luminance measurement, color correction, etc. The students' proposals had to meet certain criteria such as the systemic nature of the solution, the possibility of individualizing the proposals according to the architectural floor plan of the rooms, combining components, decomposability and others. In the final phase of the semester, the proposals receive a real basis with precise contours of a functional and realizable lamp even in the company's serial production. Therefore

We thank

Milan Novosedliak
Oto Výboch - Techo
Martin Krymlák Deepspace
Tomáš Vlček - Veratom s.r.o., surface laser cutting Plavecký Štvrtok
Miloš Turan - TD Weld sro - tube laser Považská Bystrica
Marián Tonka KOREKT- powder coating Žitavany
Veronika Cyprichová - DRŽ HUBy
Daniela Laluhová - Repairably
Roman Ferko - 3D Print.
Miloslav Drápela - MCA


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