AFAD on Designblok
From October 5 to 9, the international design festival Designblok will take place in Prague, where, in addition to professional designers and other universities, the AFAD will also be presented. You can find there the projects of our students from the GLASS Studio and the Ceramics Studio from the Department of Applied Arts, as well as this year's diploma projects of Viktor Tabiš (design) and Jana Vaterková (textile creation).
You can find more information at
GLASS and CERAMICS - Department of Applied Arts, AFAD
Dizajnérske projekty študentov a študentiek z Ateliéru SKLO (doc. Mgr. art. Patrik Illo) a Ateliéru keramiky (doc. Mgr. A. Daniel Piršč).
Openstudio Gabriel Loci, 281
Wed–Sun 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Holečkova 106/10, Praha 5
Exhibited authors:
- Tomáš Deák (keramika)
- Peter Ďuriš (sklo)
- Martin Jurík (sklo)
- Igor Kováč (sklo)
- Ester Kovaříková (keramika)
- Žofia (Poljaková) Mrocková (keramika)
- Dominik Pirháč (sklo)
- Lucia Šunová (keramika)
Curators: Patrik Illo, Markéta Nováková
Exhibition design: Michal Illo
Graphic design: Peter Nosáľ
Supported from public funds by Slovak arts council

Viktor Tabiš
Diploma work at the Studio of Experimental Design
The project entitles Original resembles a production line and offers an insight into the original technology of porcelain casting. While the 3D printer continuously produces blanks for plaster casting, the hydraulic press in the next stage breaks the plaster parts of the mold, introducing an element of chance into the process. The customer participates in the individualization of the casting mold by choosing the order of individual elements and makes it original.
The exhibited project was created within the framework of the KEGA project „stARTup, nová koncepcia výučby autorského dizajnu s ohľadom na uplatniteľnosť absolventov v praxi“ č. 008VŠVU-4/2021.
Openstudio Gabriel Loci, 281
Wed–Sun 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Holečkova 106/10, Praha 5

Jana Vaterková
Diploma work, Textile
Geometry, line, work with different shades of one color reflect my personality, the character of the architecture and create a relationship with the user. The ambition of "Puder" is to highlight original textiles through a collection of useful objects that are represented in textile creation through tapestries, carpets and clothing. Utility items point to quality in material selection and craftsmanship. I find variability in the technological solution and aesthetics of the object, which can be adapted so that it can be combined in different ways within the environment and mood of the user. Puder emphasizes timeliness, emphasizes functionality and creates a fusion of different styles.
Special event
Sat 8.10. at 3 p.m.
Fashion show of Diploma Selection 2022 finalists
Fashion show
Sacre Coeur, Holečkova 103/31, Prague 5