The Slovak Institute in Budapest, the Slovak Design Center, Ferdinand Chrenka and the Industrial Design Studio of the Academy of Fine Arts nd Design Bratislava invite you to an exhibition from September 3, 2024 at the Slovak Institute in Budapest.
Budapesti Szlovák Intézet
- Rákóczi út 15., Budapest
Vernissage: September 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
The duration of the exhibition is from 4 September to 28 September 2024
You can also learn more about the exhibition from:
Exhibiting authors
- Ferdinand Chrenka
- Eva Veselá
- Miro Gasidlo
- Pavol Soukal
- Radovan Labaš
- Ernest Marko
- Aneta Mintálová
- Beata Juritková
- Zuzana Kasanová
- Nina Neuhausová
- Viktória Feherová
- Sofia Rondošová
- Vira Fesenko
- Samo Hartiník
- Pavol Mazúr
- Tomáš Ružinský
- Lenka Abonyiová
- Vlasta Kubušová
- Peter Kuliffay
- Jakub Jarcovják
- Peter Korecký
- Barbora Kvietková
- Simon Galanský
- Laura Šunová
- Matuš Lagin
- Viktor Tabiš
- Eva Mafková
- Katarína Jurčišinová
- Lucia Šúpolová
- Matt Danko
- Natália Adamčíková
- Patrik Ďurdík
- Sofia Poljaková
- Katarína Raškovičová
About the exhibition:
The exhibition presents the designs of the designer Ferdinand Chrenka and student projects created under his leadership in cooperation with the companies BERNDORF- SANDRIK, TON, EGOE and CHIRANA-MEDICAL. The exhibition includes the CINK and CUCEJ porcelain projects and the LOWRYO and LUCIO gramophones by Ernest Marek.
The name SPOLU refers to three decades of cooperation between the teacher and students, as well as to the equally long tradition of cooperation between the studio and companies.
The industrial design studio
at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava is considered to be a representative of the creative space, the content of which is primarily cooperation with the corporate environment. Intensive cooperation with domestic and foreign manufacturers, institutions and organizations provided students with irreplaceable experience for their future development and work as a professional designer. Most of the semester papers present projects for specific companies, but the studio also addressed societal topics of an ecological nature with the aim of helping, informing or educating. Considerable demands were placed on the students of the studio. Often limited by production technology, selected materials and the vision of the given company. Despite this (or maybe because of these limitations), they come up with interesting ideas and innovations. Their ideas do not remain at the level of the concept, the students are led to realize the design. They transform a creative concept into a functional viable prototype, which in many cases is ready for serial production.
Eva Veselá

Concept of the TOGETHER exhibition:
- doc. Ferdinand Chrenka, akad. soch., Mgr. art. Eva Veselá, ArtD.
- doc. Ferdinand Chrenka, akad. soch.
Acknowledgment for cooperation on projects and the exhibition:
- Ing. Štefan Janček,Ing.Tomáš Halmo,MgA.Martin Holík, PhDr. Radoslav Behul,Ing. Milan Dostalík, Ing. Ondřej Sazima,éta Nováková ,ArtD. Mgr. Art. Michal Riabič, Miroslav Gasidlo, Ing. Eduard Herber,Jozef Rybanský,ing.Alena Kazimírová, Ing.Luboš Šuriansky